Ten 1.2

110 3 0

I put this song as the media entry because this chapter is completely based off of this song. This is a chapter delving more into TaeKook, and there will be another chapter in the future focusing on NamJin. This chapter will switch from present to past tense, and keep in mind that the chapter is heavily influenced by the song above, and it won't have a necessarily bad ending, but it's more like bittersweet. Enjoy!

Warmth washed over Jungkook all at once, and he opened his eyes with a flutter, realizing that he was awake now. Not that he wanted to be, but his body must have felt like he had gotten enough sleep.

He shifted his legs a bit and yawned, his eyes scrunching a bit as he did so.

He felt someone make a soft sound beside him, and he looked down to see Tae curled into his chest. His eyes flooded with warmth as he grinned and played with the older boys hair.

Taehyung always looked so peaceful when he slept. Jungkook was plagued with nightmares most nights but he had never seen Taehyung have a bad dream in their years of being together. Tae's hair was in his face, and his head was nuzzled in between Jungkook's chest and arm. He was breathing softly and making tiny mumbling sounds, and Jungkook knew he would wake up in a few minutes.

His hands sifted through Taehyung's hair gently, and he slowly and carefully sat up, not wanting to disturb the other quite yet.

"God, you're so gorgeous..." Jungkook mumbled softly, his voice barely above a whisper. He smiled as he played with Taehyung's face a little, letting his hand trace his cheekbones and his jaw, watching as Tae's eyebrows furrowed a bit.

"Aish... you'll be the death of me.." he said softly, leaning down and kissing his forehead, slowly getting out of bed and quietly walking to the bathroom, closing the door and turning on the shower.

He rubbed the back of his neck and looked at himself in the mirror. Hickeys littered his neck and shoulders, his collarbone having a huge, almost black one.

He lightly poked it and hissed, an annoyed look on his face. "Damn it, Taehyung.." he whined as he sighed and took off his boxers and stepped into the shower, all of his worries melting away with the water that slid down his body and down the drain.

Hearing the water running and feeling the loss of warmth or a solid body near him, Taehyung whimpered and rolled over, his eyes opening as he stretched his arms and legs.

"Kookie.." he whined, sighing as he realized he had left to go into the shower.

Taehyung sighed as he stood up and he grabbed a hoodie to wear after they got out of the shower, and padded into the bathroom, seeing as how Jungkook never closes the damn door.

Jungkook heard the door close and he poked his head out the shower curtain and he grinned happily. "Good morning, baby. How did you sleep?"

Taehyung shrugged and stripped himself of his loose shirt and underwear and climbed into the shower, closing the curtain as he pressed his face to Jungkook's shoulder. "It would have been a lot better if my ass hadn't been in so much pain. You really didn't go gently..." he sighed, kissing his boyfriend's shoulders softly.

Jungkook laughed as he turned around, his hands taking place at the brunettes hips. "Mm.. is someone complaining? You certainly weren't when I was doing it."

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