his confession

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6:20 PM

"A liter of gas just got more expensive by a few cents, unbelievable," He sighs.

I put on my seatbelt, "How many kilometers left?".

He starts the engine, "Not too much,".

I stare intently at the man sitting on the driver's seat, who is belting out lyrics of If I Ain't Got You by Alicia Keys.

"I have to admit something," He says as he lowering the volume. "Go on,".

"Promise me you won't tell anyone," He whispers.

I can feel my heart beat faster this time.

"I feel a little bit lonely sometimes,".

"I live alone, when I wake up no one is there to greet me good morning or ask if i'd like some coffee,".

"I take trips to the grocery alone, all I do is scroll through my phone all day because I have no one to do anything with,".

I was about to reply but he speaks up again.

"Sometimes I feel so lonely that i'd just stare at my wall or my ceiling, half expecting that it would talk to me,".

I smile. Placing my hands on his shoulder and rub it softly. Trying to comfort him.

I wanted to say i'd never make you feel lonely. I'd greet you good morning everyday and make you coffee without asking you if you want some.

I'd go to the supermarket with you even though it's past 12 AM. I'd like to learn how to put spells on inanimate objects such as your walls and ceilings, so you could talk to them.

Just so you wouldn't feel as lonely as me.

But it turns out to be, "Just so you know i'm one call away if you need me,".

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