Chapter 6 : RoWen returns with..?

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Erza's POV

Credit to : Inquisitor_Lover 

It's tenth month of the year and Wendy will return home I'm sure she'll be glad when she once again meet her little siblings Rosemary and Reiki!

"Good Morning, mom" says Rosemary from the second floor

"Oh, good morning sweety is your little brother awake?" I asked and she shook her head

"Ok that's fine, by the way get ready! Wear some fancy dress!! A very important guest will be at our house later this afternoon!!now go and get ready, make yourself very pretty!!" I says and she gave me a confused look

"Huh? What are you talking about mom? Are you ok? Have you eaten food at the right time?" She asked

"Come on rose! We have a special guest today" I says

"Seriously mom? Stop playing around, your a mother not a kid and we haven't had any special visitors except for Daddy and his comrades duh!" She says

"Just follow my orders sweety, and don't forget to make yourself pretty" I reminded

"But how about Reiki?" She asked

"Oh, don't worry about Reiki I will handle him, now go!" I says and she quickly ran at her room because I'm guessing she doesn't want to feel the wrath of the Queen

After a minute Rosemary went to the kitchen and she's wearing her father's gift she really likes the dress...

"Uhmm...honey, I thought you did get rid of that dress? It's too short for you now, I will just buy you a new one.." I says and she face me with a serious look

"Mom, this is the only gift dad had given me it's so pretty I don't are if it's too hot for me no I will just ask the sewer to add an extension for this dress..even tho it's looks cheap for me it's the most expensive dress and I cherish it much.." she replied

"Alright .. I'm sure you will remember your father when you see her, your older sister." I says

"But I thought I'm the elder?" She ask d while I didn't reply

After an hour  / Afternoon

"Good afternoon mom" says the blue haired

"Oh good afternoon sweety" I replied

"Uhmm, mom who is she to e honey she really look exactly like Daddy although doesn't have the mark like on Dad's face" she says

"Oh my G! Is that your Rosemary? You've grown older!! You were so cute when you were a baby you know!" Blue haired says

"Rosemary, this is Wendy Marvel, your older sister" I introduced

"If he's my elder sister then why is her surname 'Marvel'..?"

"Because it's her other mother's last name Grandenney Marvel" I says

"Who's Grandenney mommy?" She asked

"She's the Sky dragon Queen" I says and Rosemary drop her jaw

"Wait that means...she's the girl in the story you were telling me!!  The Sky dragon Princess  and the Maiden of the Sky!" She says

"Wow, you knew that, marvelous!!" Wendy says

"Rosemary do you know are the Lady of Dragons?" Asked Wendy and rose shook her head

" Anyways, who are you with sissy?" Asked rose Mary

"This is Romeo, my fiancè" says Wendy

"Wait, he's your fiancè? congratulations!!" I congratulated

"Mommy, what is a fiancè? Can I have a fiancè?" Asked Rose and I just laugh

"Honey, a fiancè I'd not for teen like you, fiancè is the person your going to marry!" I sys and she got embarrass again..

"Wait, Wendy..are you...pregnant?" I asked and she nodded

"Yes, we went to the hospital yesterday to get an ultra sound, and it is a me and two decided to name him..Adam.." she says and I congratulate them again..

Scarlet Rose {Dragon Princess Next Generation}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora