Chapter III-Alive and Dead

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Chapter 3

I see a pair of electric blue eyes widening at me with horror. Chest to chest, I could feel Daniel's racing heartbeat against mine but this wasn't a moment to flirt.

I pushed myself off him thinking all hell broke loose. The pain was sinking in. It was a bomb set off in me and my ribs were broken off. Breathing was becoming difficult. My chest rising and lowering pained me every moment and the tips of my fingers have gone cold. I could feel my energy trickle out me as my blood did.

What the hell did I just do?

I jumped over the barricade. Knowing that Daniel would survive my weight but not that bullet, I made a run for it.

The crowd was running and screaming their heads off. There were so many despaired teens without their parents. With no one to comfort them, the crying was unbearable.

The boys took cover behind the barrier, with their bellies on the floor, their hands covering their heads and ears. They could scramble away but I guess their legs had turned into jelly.

"Guys," I heard Jack say, trying to hide a sob.'I never wanted to die like this, but I love you all."

The others said the similar variations back.

"I'm glad at least I die young with my bros with me.'Zach said. My heart aches although all the blood is pumping out.

'Shut up.'I turn to him weakly. His face was etched with fear. It probably was taking him everything to not piss his pants.

They honestly think that we are gonna die here. On this cold road.In fear. With a thousand wishes in our heads, hundreds of words not said.

I don't want to die.

A few more gunshots were fired, each one louder than the last, signaling the man was approaching the stage barrier.

I had a list of the things I could do to fend him off, but I was paralyzed on the ground, bleeding out.

Probably because I ripped my shirt and half of my back was covered with blood, I could feel the road getting damp. I shivered an inch on the floor and my hand touched something warm on the floor.
I raised my wrist up to see red.

Copper scented blood running down my wrist and dripping on the floor. My pool of blood on the floor.

I hear someone gasp. I shake my head in disbelief.

My vision was blurring when I heard the security alarms blaring around me.

I could feel the boys get up and run to the security guards. Daniel, I think was looming over me. I wasn't sure if it was him. I was drifting in and out of consciousness.

'Hey,'I feel a grip on my shoulder.'Wake up, let's go.'I heard his voice plea frantically.

I willed every ounce of energy in me to move but in avail. I didn't even have the energy to twitch my lips.

'Please,' I hear his cracked voice.'Stay.'

All I could do was blink as his figure.

'C'mon, Daniel. She can't be saved.'I heard a voice say. I could see his shadow flickering under the street lamp light.

Inside me everything left of me with the will to survive.'Don't give up on me. I don't want to die.'My brain was screaming but my lips would not budge.'Help me.'

But he heard nothing.

'I'm so sorry.'His hands held my messy hair on the floor, probably soaked with blood too.
I feel a warm tear on my cheek that wasn't mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2019 ⏰

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