Mental Health

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Here you are lay in bed,

so many people say it's in your head,

they are the ones who do not live it,

you lie there as if you have been physically hit,

you pull the covers over your head,

fearing what you have to do with complete dread,

the tears start to roll down your face,

they run faster than a one hundred metre runner's fastest pace,

you start to really think,

what you should have to do is have a large alcoholic drink,

you do not realise this will make things worse,

the floodgates have now really burst,

how can life be as bad as this,

you do not know your mind is amiss,

you are extremely sick,

but you've told to be as tough as a brick,

the deepest dark thoughts have been let in, 

the dark place is causing the din,

the tears still streaming down,

you have a horrific frown,

you certainly are not wearing any type of crown,

you really are extremely down,

there is nothing that can be said to you,

you want to stay in bed all day and stew,

why does no one else understand,

they all just think you should be leading from the grandstand,

there is a time and place for you,

the tears will stop and you will not have to stew,

if you just try and to reach out and take a tiny step,

the help we all need, can be just need that first tiny footstep,

I learnt that others have been like you,

it is sometimes really is all we wish we knew,

please try not to be scared and be brave,

no one wants you to end in an early grave,

when you let someone in,

it will then begin,

I wish you all the best,

remember life is here for you and not a horrific test.


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