Kha'Zix lore and general informations

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When Kha'Zix left the Void to discover Runeterra, he was still a weak hunter. He needed time and patience to gain strength. The more he ate, the stronger he became. He was attacking creatures far more dangerous than him. One day, he had the chance to meet another hunter named Rengar while he was eating the carcass of an animal. It was a bloody battle. kha'zix took his eye but the two were almost dead. They ran away in order to survive, both being great enemies. A few months, a few years pass and the insect became stronger. People were scared of the living thing. He stayed in the jungle waiting impatiently for a new prey. Unfortunately, he wasn't strong enough. He didn't know why, but some people wanted to know more about him. The only friends he had were all voidlings. Kha'Zix shouted and rejected them for their inability, but he felt lonely. He evolved and gained in intelligence, but also in emotions. He was cruel but he couldn't help it. His reputation as a monster cursed him. The insect was trying to save some mortals, but no one understood and it was certainly not this fish that would understand. Yes, a fish.

He couldn't remember how he had met him, but it was certainly Fizz who found him first. Kha'Zix didn't know why this fish wanted to know some things about him. He was discovering little by little that he was linked with the Void, and worse, with Rengar. He wondered what having normal friends meant. Today, this fish is still around him. It's weird, Kha'Zix likes him. He even listened to his advices. Unfortunately, the creature couldn't control himself under his hunger. 

The bug tried to attack Shurima, like all his friends,he tried the best. He wanted the emperor, thinking he was strong enough, but he was wrong. This bird was very tough and he couldn't win no matter what he did. He was ready to accept his destiny but instead of that, the bird helped him. He, who had almost killed him, helped him. He was lost, he didn't know what to think. Why did he do that ? He didn't want to think about it. Days go by and this emperor was always there. It was something strange, was it affection ? He didn't know. But he felt happy. Kha'Zix spent his time teasing the bird that saved him, and he did the same for everyone. The voidreaver was a violent, wild creature, but sometimes he was just acting like a real dog and a good friend. As he tried to sleep, he heard a sad voice whispering in his ears.

"Are you my friend ?..."

He raised his head and saw that it was a small mummy. He quickly became his best friend, and he made the promise to protect him until the end.

Kha'Zix was protective but he always wanted to do his best. Giving up wasn't a word he knew. The more months and days pass, the more fun he had with his great opponent. Amumu helped him to find another way of evolution, but Kha'Zix still wanted to test the limits of the one who almost killed him. Was he beginning to love his opponent , soon considering him as a friend ? Yes. But he will never allow himself to think about it. Soon he was trying to test the hunter's limit, he was annyoing but he was learning more and more each day. Rengar was angry, he lost his eye after all. He already fought a crocodile, he was no longer afraid of the ferocious Rengar. He teased him, he loved to see that expression of disgust on his face. It was so funny. Great rivals will never change, although he wanted to. Something disturbed him about the white lion, a strong feeling that he couldn't describe. Amumu warned him, Rengar had something special. He was hiding a secret, and he couldn't even say it. He didn't assume them and his past, and that was his weakness. Kha'Zix felt regrets and sadness. He'll never see himself as a good predator. And he'll never assume this sadness. He wanted to be strong, but even if he smiles the pain will still remain. His little friend helped him to fight his problem.

"You are sad...And it's okay to be sad..."

-"I'm not sad kid... I just can't explain. It's yelling inside of me, what is it ?"

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