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It's been weeks since Jimin stopped going to school. Some students that referred themselves as Jimin's friends tried to comfort him but there was no use, he was sick of those empty words he heard every single day so he pushed them away and told them to leave as they visited his lonely home. His parents had no time to care about his sudden change. They were too busy with work and other responsibilities that were more important than their own son.


The poor boy grew up like this. Empty and lonely. That's why he normally went out with Taehyung and Jungkook to stay away from that dark place he called home. Hell ,he spent more time in their houses than his own that's how bad it was.
But now it's different. He had no other place to hide in,that was his only escape from civilization and any social contact.

"Is that how I'm gonna end!?"

He asked himself one night,sitting on his cold bed in a dark room that hasn't seen sunlight in a very long time. Tears building up in the corners of his glassy eyes.


"Why does it hurt so bad?!"

He cried out and let hot tears escape his puffy eyes. Loud sobs filled the quiet room not seeming to find an end.

"Where are you?!"

He screamed and covered his ears with shaky hands. But that just made the voices in his head cry louder. A part of him wanted to travel all around this small world to find his Yoongi and make up to him for everything that happened.

But the other part wanted to drown in his never ending sorrow.


Do y'all see this? I'm bAc k . I bet u missed me.

Y'all are probably getting smut in the next chapter bye

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