'Curiosity is lying in wait for every secret'

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Kidou's P.O.V

I was making my way to school, practically running now as I scolded myself for agreeing to stay behind after soccer practise. I knitted my forehead, slid my goggles up and was about to take off for a run when I heard a sharp intake of breath, I turned my head in surprise to see a girl. She had platinum blonde hair which was covering her face as she stood in an unstable bent over position with her eyes squeezed shut. I curiously started walking in her direction, but hurriedly jumped as she was about to fall to the ground. I huffed and ran up to her, and swiftly caught her gentle body managing to prevent her from hitting the cold ground. 

'You were really testing my reflexes there huh?' I thought. I felt her arms trembling under my skin as I held her tightly and protectively. The girl seemed surprised as I felt her tense up, though she soon  opened her eyes revealing her soft, grey eyes. But it wasn't a plain grey, her eyes looked like two moons as they stared in shock right into my crimson ones. I helped her stand and broke the silence as I worriedly asked

"Are you ok?!"

She sighed and looked down, her bangs covered her eyes which were evidently full of sorrow, and the spark in her eyes was no longer there, I stared worryingly for a while until I widened my eyes in horror as she started to tear up?! Just before I could question it, her head shot up throwing me of guard as I took a step back. She forced an apologetic smile and speedily said

"I'm fine, and thanks.." 

(Y/N) P.O.V

I tried as hard as possible to make him seem that I'm ok, but as I stared at him with my fake smile, his facial expression remained serious and stern, just like on the soccer pitch, but eventually he relaxed his expression, lowering his head and letting out a light sigh. He looked back at me and hopefully asked

"You sure?"

I let out a soft sigh as I looked away back onto the field. My thoughts had wandered off to my safe place, and only then I had realised I was starting to ramble.

"Yeah, yeah...I was just watching the soccer practise when I realised I was running late and then I tried to run but I forgot I couldn- I MEAN I TRIPPED!" I facepalmed myself, but to my luck Kidou hadn't realised.

'That was a close call,' I thought as I let out a sigh. A few moments later I looked up to see Kidou's face light up at my accidental mention of soccer. He nodded in acknowledgment.

"I'm Kidou Yuuto by the way.." He started. "You might have seen me on the pitch, my team was practising this morning" He carried on with a genuine smile.

I smiled ever so lightly, showing the least signs of jealousy. He COULD play soccer. I composed myself before I answered

"Of course I know who you are!" I stated with a giggle, "Inazuma Japan's team strategist, midfielder, how could I not know?" I finished off as Kidou put his arm around his neck, smiling awkwardly, obviously a tad embarrassed. I tried not to laugh at his reaction by covering my mouth with my hands. But, Kidou had relaxed by now and after a second of thought looked up curiously before he said with a smirk

"You know an awful lot about my position, soccer too...do you play by any chance?"

I froze. 

My face went from a smile to no expression in an instant. I was NOT going to show any signs of weakness or opening up to anybody...it was to painful. All the recalled memories were flooding back in waves and I felt helpless once again. Kidou had realised my change in expression and was about to reach out to me with a confused manner when I simply said

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