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As soon as I arrived home, immediately I headed straight to bed. The overwhelming heat still wafting my person. Adamant to cool down the steam emanating from my body I opted for a cold shower, which felt like heaven in comparison to the inferno that was my body. Recalling the events of earlier in the day I lose track of time and begin to shiver.

My queue to get out I thought, I finally get out of the shower and go straight into my bed the warmth of the comforter soothing my now ice-cold skin, immediately I succumb to the familiar enticing lull of sleep.

Ring, I roll over not ready to be separated from the warm embrace that is my sleep, once more I roll over to find sleep again, and once more the spell is broken as I hear another ring. Looking for the disturbance, I see the phone on my night table flashing furiously as it shakes my table.

Better be an emergency I thought, I answer my phone and immediately my eardrums are bombarded with loud music and screeches.


" Hi Fai, it's me Fai, you didn't come to the party as I told you to" she slurs vehemently

" Annabelle, I meant to bu-" she quickly cuts me off

" Don't worry I'll bring the party to you, giggle, we'll have loads of fun together, giggle, I'll be there in 10 I'll come pick you up" Immediately panicked from her words, against my better judgment I leaped out of my safe haven. Quickly got dressed and sprung to my front door.

No way was I letting her drive in her state I thought she'd be as good as dead

" No, Annabelle, listen to me, stay there. I'm coming right now, ok?"

" Really? Hiccup, awe you're the best friend ever, giggle, I love you" her words slurring together elongating each syllable

" Promise me you'll stay put alright?"

" I promise, promise, promithes, promitheses, it's like that song, giggle" The phone abruptly cuts.

Just my luck I told myself, the only night off and this happens. Thanking the heavens for not deleting her messages from earlier I search for the address of the party. 1317 Sagewood Drive. Great, she's in the gated community no less.

Turning my car off, the vibrations of the music inside could be felt inside my car. Preparing myself for the disastrous events that were sure to follow, I quickly exited my car. Butterflies erupting and flying frantically in my stomach the closer I got to the intimidating door. As I pushed the door open my senses were immediately bombarded by the different smells and sounds, my eyes scan frantically over the room looking for the reason I came, quickly finding her in the middle of the dance floor stumbling everywhere. Maneuvering my body in between the masses to reach her proved to be a more difficult feat than I had originally anticipated. Finally, grabbing on to the source of my distress I hauled her over my way. Annabelle turned around as best as her inebriated mind could, a look of confusion crossed her face before finally recognizing me.

" Faiii, hiccup love you see I promised I'd be here" Annabelle slurs as she pushes me into a bone-crushing hug, leaving me breathless

" Hmmm, you smell sooo goood, like coconuts and vanilla I could eat you" Diving her nose deeper into my clothes she starts sniffing me, unfortunately gaining even more attention than before.

" Alright let's get you -"

" No first meet my friends, I know they're here somewhere" despite the drunken stupor she managed to locate one of her friends. Alana I think was her name, was surprisingly sober.

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