Chapter Two, Finding Harry

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Chapter Two, Finding Harry

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Chapter Two, Finding Harry

As Jacob entered a rather small clearing that still had some trees in it that was just past a small stream, he saw the exact person he'd been looking for on the ground unconscious. Sending a mental message to the pack that he'd found Harry and where they were before he darted behind a tree to shift back pulling on his shorts and a t-shirt that had been tied to his leg when he shifted back.

Entering the clearing Jacob crouched down next to Harry checking him over for any serious injuries, satisfied that the only injury he had was a small head wound he'd seemed to have got from hitting it on a rock Jacob picked him up as gently as he could before making his way back home as quickly as he could without jostling Harry too much.

* * *

"Dad!" Jacob called as he ran towards his house as he knew that Sirius and Remus were waiting at his house, Sam having told him through the pack link before he changed back. "Dad!" Jacob called again as he opened the back door with his foot. "Jake," Billy called as he wheeled his wheelchair into the kitchen with two tall men behind them, both with extremely worried expressions on their face. One man had black hair that curled to his shoulders with silver grey eyes, while the other had sandy blonde hair with brown eyes with amber flecks through them. Jacob realised they were obviously Sirius Black and Remus Lupin-Black.

He was brought out of his thoughts when his father started talking again. "Where did you find him?"
"He was in a small clearing in the woods that was just past the stream," Jacob told them as he handed the small boy over to who Jacob assumed was Sirius. "He has a small head wound. I think he hit his head on a rock when he lost consciousness." Jacob informed them, ignoring his wolf howling at him to take his mate back. "Thank you for finding our son Jacob," the sandy blonde man said shaking his hand. "I'm Remus John Lupin-Black and this is my husband Sirius Orion Black." Remus told him. "You can come round to visit Harry once he had recovered so your bond can settle with him."

"Your father told us about Harry being your imprint and Remus's wolf would have realised when he saw you and Harry together anyway, he's weird like that." Sirius joked while Remus and Billy rolled their eyes at him. "You may not see Harry for awhile though as he's going to be grounded for going out and not taking his wand. If you hadn't found him when you did ..." Sirius trailed off unable to think of his little pup dying.

"But we ask that at first you only become friends with Harry and get to know each other for a couple of years before you become something more. You can tell him but I'd prefer you didn't, at least not until you know each other a bit more. Harry has been hurt badly by those he thought were his friends which has made him wary of people." Sirius said seriously.
"I understand Sirius," Jacob told him. "I only wish to get to know Harry first and I'll do whatever I have to earn his trust."

"That is all we ask for Jacob." Remus told him smiling slightly as Sirius spoke to Billy. "Thank you Billy for all your help and could you thank the rest of the pack for me?"
"Of course Sirius think nothing of it. I couldn't just leave him out in the forest especially with the Cullens living just over the boarder, I don't really trust them even if they are animal drinkers." Billy told them.

"Go on get him home so you can heal him and finally get some rest yourselves. Jake and I will sort everything else out." Billy told them making shooing motions with his hands. Laughing Sirius shook his head at his cousin and thanked him and Jake again before they left the house for some overdue rest.

* * *

It had been a week since Harry had been found unconscious in the middle of the forest and he was finally allowed out after being grounded for a whole week for scaring his dad and papa. And now he was cooking breakfast for them as a way for him to apologise for all the grief he'd caused him. He didn't want them to think that he couldn't earn his keep, and if they thought he was lazy after the stunt he pulled last week they might get sick of him like the Dursleys and Hermione got sick of him and he just couldn't bare the thought of his two new father's getting sick of him.

He was so deep in thought as he robotically cooked the breakfast that he didn't hear Remus come in until he felt a hand on his shoulder making him yelp as he jumped away from his papa. "Harry? What're you doing up so early?" Remus asked shocked and concerned.
"I ... I wanted to cook f-for you and dad. To apologise and so you didn't kick me out for being lazy. I swear Papa I didn't mean to forget my wand or get lost." Harry said ducking his head as he dished up some bacon on to a plate. There was silence in the kitchen as Remus seemed to digest what Harry had said before he gently turned Harry to face him as he kneeled down in front of him so he was eye level with Harry.

"I want you to listen to me very carefully Harry," Remus said slowly so Harry could not misinterpret his words. "We will never ever kick you out for any reason, I promise you. No matter what you do you'll never be kicked out of this house. And you needn't of cooked Sirius and I breakfast to apologise to us, we know your sorry, but we grounded you for a week so you knew how worried we were when you didn't come home or when we couldn't find you.

We just wanted to teach you to remember to always have your wand on you no matter where you are or what you're doing, if not for us to find you but for you to also protect yourself Cub. We love you and we don't want anything bad to happen to you." Remus said pulling Harry into his arms for a hug and kissing his curly raven locks. "Your father and I love you so much Harry never forget that. How about I finish breakfast and you set the table?" Remus asked as they pulled back.

Harry nodded his head and set about setting the table with everything they'd need including fresh orange juice. Remus watched Harry out of the corner of his eye as he finished cooking the breakfast. He knew that Harry still had a lot of issues to sort through that stemmed from his treatment at the hands of his aunt and uncle, but he knew Harry would get through them in the end as he and Sirius would be right beside Harry every step of the way.

 He knew that Harry still had a lot of issues to sort through that stemmed from his treatment at the hands of his aunt and uncle, but he knew Harry would get through them in the end as he and Sirius would be right beside Harry every step of the way

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