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By the time class was over for the morning my hand was cramping. Both from the amount of writing I had to do and the weights wieghing my hand down.

We really needed to get used to these weights, it would make everything easier.

The rest of the pack had just found out they would be having the same test tomorrow after one night of studying and the rest of the class at the end of the week.

"Why do those guys have to take their exams before the rest of us?" One of the cadets had asked the teacher as he came over and collected my test paper.

"That information is classified cadet." He said as he took my papers to the front of the room and fed it into the compter that was connected to the large holoscreen and everyone watched as my paper was graded.

Everyone was quiet as the computer calculated my score and gasped as the number appeared on the screen except for my pack.

One hundred percent was flashing on the holoscreen and the teacher looked between me and the number before dismissing everyone for afternoon workout.

I thought nothing of the number currently flashing, we might have been prisioners but we were sneaky and read every piece of information we were able to get our hands on.

My dad always told me that you could never learn to much and I read any and everything I could. Even enemy plans.

Walking out the room I felt the eyes of the cadets on me, but it was the girl from last night that had caught my attention.

While the other cadets were looking at me with envy and a little hate, her expression was thoughtful. I aslo noticed the eyes of the other R.P on her as well.

Looks like not the only one thinking it.

We made our way over to the gym to find the instructer there waiting for us as we lined up in front of him.

"You all should know the drill, drop and give me 400!" He orderd and we all went down, some of us slower than others.

Then it was on to the run and then the obstacle course. Through it all the girl stuck with us.

"Seeing as this is the advanced class, you are expected to progress faster than the others. Today we start out weapons training." The instructor said when everyone was lined up in front of him.

We all moved over to a room that had every type of weapon you could ever imagine. Knives, swords, daggers, hand guns, blasters, launchers, whips, beam cannons, everything you could think of, it was here.

"You are all required to learn and master at least two of these weapons." The instructor said to the cadets before moving in front of my pack.

"You all will learn and master half of the weapons in this room." He said then stopped front of me.

"You will master all." He said and I kept my face blank. Is this really what I signed up for? Yes. It is.

Everyone moved to the wall and selected their first weapon. The majority of the people picked up a gun, thepack picked up weapons between the swords and knives but I went over to the whip on the wall and took it down.

"There are areas for each of your selected weapons, find them and start working. You're not in the general section where an instructer will be with you at all times." The instructor said amd went to the back of the room.

We all split up and went to our places.

I actually had to move pretty far away from the other cadets because of the length of the whip, the area I had looked like an obstacle course and I knew I had to use the whip to get through it.


"Times up! Training will resume tomorrow." The trainer said and I dropped down from the pole I had the whip wrapped around.

I'm not sure if it was the weights that made it hard from me to use the whip properly but I knew that I needed to get used to these weights and quickly if I wanted to get through this training.

We all placed our weapons back where we had gotten them from and walked back to our barracks to shower.

We were all tired but we still had our night training later after lights out.

I was about to walk into the shower when I was stopped by the brown haired girl. I looked down at her and she smiled shyly uo at me.

"Is there any way I could also train with weights and with you guys?" She asked and I smiled because I had been right.

"There is." I said and steered us into the bathroom.

"You'd have to join our group."

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