Chapter 2

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(Some Chapters may have more spelling and/or grammar errors in them. That is becuase I do some of it on my laptop which has no autocorrect. It also doesn't have the red line under a misspelled word. I'm just letting you guys know. Bye! :D)

(Cammie's POV)

As we pulled up to their house I started getting really excited. Oh my gosh I can't believe I'm going into the V crews house! And I get to be in one of their videos!

"Excited?" Cierra asked looking at me. I nodded in response. They all hopped out of the car and Isaac helped me.

"Last one in is a rotten waffle!" Cierra yelled in her Sally voice. everybody took off running leaving me behind.

"Hey! wait up!" I called to them. Isaac came running back out. he picked me up over his shoulder and ran back inside. The fan mail was already spread out on the coffee table in the living room and Jordan had his camera. We all sat on the couch while Jordan pointed the camera at himself and did the intro.

"Greetings fellow adventurers this is Venturian with ImmortalKyodai, HomelessGoomba, BethanyFrye and a very special guest," He pointed the camera to me. "Cammie!"

"Hi!" I said waving to the camera with my arm that wasn't broken.

"She is in this video because Isaac hit her with a car and she was a fan so we let her."

"Hey! it wasn't my fault!" Isaac defended himself clearly upset.

We started going through the letters, toys, and games. I found a letter that was still in the envelope. "I think you guys forgot to take this one out," I told them holding it up.

"I thought I opened all of them," Jordan said confused.

"Dude, she's the one with the concussion not you," Isaac said opening the letter for me since I couldn't. I looked at it then I had to read it over for the second time because I couldn't believe my eyes.

Dear venturiantale,

You guys are really not funny and should just die! I think I can do that for you.

"You guys," I said my voice wavering in fear. they all looked at me confused. "I think you should read this." I put the note in the center of the table.

"That is all for this time! if you you enjoyed this video leave a like, leave a comment and we will see you next time," Jordan said saluting to the camera. He picked up the note and started towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Bethany asked him.

"Remember what the police officer said. If we get any threats or anything then to go to the police station and tell them immediately." He walked out the door and drove off.

"I'll call my mom to come pick me up," I said pulling out my phone.

"Let me walk you home," Isaac offered. Cierra whispered something in Bethany's ear and they giggled.

"I don't think you should be walking around town when someone just threatened to kill you," I told him.

"Right. I didn't think about that."

"I'm going to go upstairs to edit the video," Cierra told us walking out of the room.

"I'll help you," Bethany said following her.

(Isaacs POV)

Bethany and Cierra left the room, I knew they wanted to give us some alone time. I looked over to Cammie on the other side of the room talking on her phone. She was really beautiful. She has big brown eyes and long brown hair that framed her tan skin. She was usually smiling and usually happy. Her smile always lit up the room and whenever I see it I can't help but smile too. She hung up and sat next to me on the couch.

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