Chapter 26

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Clarke: Can I ride with you to Lincoln's?
Lexa: I'm actually going to be late. Anya said that you can ride with her though. She's picking up Raven too.
Clarke: That'll work. What time?
Lexa: She said she'll pick you up at six.
Clarke: Perfect. See you later tonight!
Lexa: Yep.

Clarke tucked her phone away. She had been working in the store room at the gallery when Octavia called to see if she could find a different ride out to Lincoln's later that night. Apparently Lincoln had some emergency with the food so Octavia was going to head over there now to help him.

Clarke sighed as she slid another painting into the crate. She really needed this weekend. The last couple of weeks had really taken their toll on her. Physically speaking, she was fine. She had finished off her run of antibiotics and was back to being a picture of perfect health. Mentally though, she wasn't doing so great. She didn't miss Finn, not at all or the stress that apparently had been apart of that package. However, in between his cheating and Costia's hurtful comments, Lexa was right, she was starting to doubt herself and she was finding it increasingly difficult to stop. She loved her body, she did and she'd never want it to change, but at the same time, she had to get Costia's words out of her head. She had to. They were too much and she just couldn't seem to get away from them.

Later as she walked home, the cool air felt good against her face. Her eyes danced around to all of the Halloween decorations littering the store fronts and she grinned in appreciation at how much effort people put into their displays. Her fingers itched to just sit and sketch some of them, but she knew she didn't have time, at least, not today. She had to get home, take a shower and put a bag together. Anya would be picking her up in less than two hours and Clarke knew better than to make her wait.

Pushing through her front door a few minutes later, Clarke quickly dumped her stuff off on the kitchen table before going to her room and throwing together her weekend bag. Considering they did this every month, the bag was already mostly ready, there were certain staples that she never took out, so really all she needed to add was some clothes. After finishing that task, she dropped the bag by the door and rushed into the shower, she had less than an hour now.

After her shower Clarke stood staring in the mirror, her eyes raking over her body as her head damned Costia and her heart cursed her own self doubt. Stop. Just stop.

She settled on jeans and a t-shirt with a pair of tall boots and then for good measure, covered it all up with a sweater that was definitely a size larger than necessary. It didn't look bad, it just really didn't look like her.

Raven: Get a move on, Griff.
Clarke: I'll be out in five.
Raven: Anya said that you have three.

Clarke chuckled as she tucked her phone into her pocket and grabbed her keys off of the table. She knew that she'd better get out there, she had no doubt that Anya would leave after three minutes. Grabbing her bag, she clicked off the lights and booked out of the apartment, locking the door behind her.

"She was just about to leave you," Raven told her as she slid into the backseat of Anya's car.
"Oh, come on," Clarke chuckled. "I'm right on time."
"You're never on time, Clarke." Anya grinned.
"Girl's got a point." Raven nodded quickly.

The ride to Lincoln's was pleasant as the three of the chatted about nonsense and listened to the radio. Everything seemed to be going smoothly, that was, until the pulled up out front of Lincoln's and Clarke's eyes fell on a car that she knew all to well.

"What the fuck is Finn doing here?" Raven said as she quickly opened her door.
Anya's eyes narrowed as she focused on the car where Finn was still sitting in the driver seat.
Clarke swallowed hard and slipped out of the back seat. No sooner did she close her door, Finn stepped out of his.

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