Part 7

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I run upstairs and crawl on my knees to look under the bed. I pull out a suit case. I open my drawers and I start putting my clothes in them. I realized that I need another suit case. I walk over to my closest and get on my toes to grab a duffle bag from the top of the closet. I pack the rest of my clothes and put all my pairs of shoes in. I walk downstairs with the heavy suitcase in my hand and the heavy duffel bag on my shoulder. " let me take that duffle bag." He gently takes the duffle bag off my shoulder. I smile at him and he smiles back. "Are you hungry?" "I'm always hungry." He laughs and says" that's right, I forget that everyone now days is obsessed with food. I can't blame you I love it too." I laugh" yea that's pretty much the truth." He laughs. We walk outside to see my brothers car back in the drive way. Brennen gets out of the car and says" what are you doing?" "I'm moving out Brennen! You don't even give one shit about me!" Brennen says" yes I do Cassie." "Yea right." "I do!" "Well I am moving in the trap house! Bye!" I put all my stuff in the back of the car and I feel a hand on my shoulder. I then get turned around my Brennen. "Leave me alone Brennen!" I punch him in the nose and run to the car and get in. I see Colby laughing in the front seat. "I see you are very mad at your brother." "He left me. When I was at the hospital. That's not a good brother." He nods his head and pulls out the drive way. We start to head back to the trap house. I look behind us and Brennen is following us. "Umm Colby." "Yes." "He's following us." "He is?" "Yes." Colby laughs and turns into the drive way. He gets out of the car and walks over to my side and opens the car door. We get my stuff and walk into the house. Brennen came in slamming the door. There was a few girls I didn't notice. Kat looks at me and says" oh this is devyn, gabby, and Brooklyn." Colby looks at me smiling" Brooklyn is my sister." I look at her and she looks at me. She says" nice to meet you." Then Brennen walks beside me and says" your coming back home." "Brennen that isn't my home. It never even felt like home ok!" I catch Brennen staring at Brooklyn. And Brooklyn staring back. Her face was red. She was...blushing.

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