Part 9

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Brooklyn is wearing a softball uniform with her long blonde hair in two dutch braids. I walk into the kitchen to confront her. She looks at me scared and says" how long have you been standing there?" "I just came down." She takes a deep breath and says" alright well I have a softball game I will see you later." She waves bye quickly and runs out the kitchen. I stand there alone looking confused. Why! Why would she like my dumb ass brother! Colby walks downstairs and smiles. "You look cute in my hoodie." I blush and say" this is your hoodie?" He says" yea. I would like you to wear mine." I say" it's a nice hoodie." He says" thank you. Wanna watch a movie?" I smile" sure." He was about to take my hand before I moved it away. We walk to the couch and sit down. He says" what movie?" I say" scary movie?" He says" sure. The nun?" "Sure" He grabs the TV remote from over my legs and turns it on. We watch it in silence. Colby yells" you dumbass people!" I laugh then scream. I accidentally grab Colby's arm. He looks at me and smiles. "I don't care if you grab me Cassie." I look down trying to hide the fact that I'm blushing. He smiles and pulls my chin up. He says" don't be scared of me." I giggle. "Trust me I'm not." He makes his big smile and says" good." We both look back at the TV and grab each other. We both laugh. I hear the door shut and talking. Me and Colby look behind us to the people coming in. It was Brooklyn. With. Brennen. Brennen runs to me and snatched me up. " I thought you said you don't like Colby!" I yell" don't get in my face Brennen!" Brennan punches me in the arm and it hurt. Colby pushes Brennen away from me and yells" leave her the fuck alone and get out of this house!" Brennen stays still. "Now!" He grabs Brooklyn's hand and walks out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2018 ⏰

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