Chapter fifteen: Junior Year: Expulsion

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No one has ever placed this word next to me my entire life. My name and expulsion have never been in the same sentence, until now. I, Sebastian-Kai Alexander Hughes, was expelled from Willowfeild High School.

I blame no one for the action.

I took drugs on campus.

I distributed it to students.

I attempted to sell it.

I did all of this, it was me.

My problem is that I am too loyal, I trust people way more than I probably should. I had thirteen children. One of them, who was always by my side, was the literal baby. Who I always counted on and trusted with my life, was Sierra. She was the person I was almost proud to call my daughter, she only ever called me mom. She found my potential customers, defended me even when she knew I was in the wrong. She cut off anyone I told her to and I could send her after anyone who wronged me and she would take care of it.

In return I took care of her. I helped her fuel her addiction. I ran up on anyone who messed with her and defended her name. She was always with me because I had to protect her from a lot of people. Anything she wanted I went and got for her. I helped her contact her boyfriend and helped set up places they could meet.

We were attached at the hip and nothing could break that bond, nothing could make me stop loving her.

Until she snitched on me.

Thursday, August 23 I gave her a vicodin, since my real present to her was being delayed. She went home high as a kite. Friday the principle knew everything, Tuesday I was expelled. I didn't see it at first because I didn't want to believe it.

She got caught and snitched on me. I thought her anxiety after was because she didn't know who told, but it was because she was lying. She knew she told and she knew what I would do to her if I found out she told.

No one told me, I found out on my own. Thursday I gave her something to hold her off, Friday the principle knew, she spent all this time pointing to everyone else and Tuesday I was thrown out of school and sent to the continuation school.

I saw her there, at my first session of Independence. Fear took over her face as she tried not to look at me. Through the power of God I did not hit her. I wanted to, I wanted to really, really bad. Not here though, she knew I was coming for her. I already cut off all her friends, cut off my love and her siblings love. I sent people after her and now I'm coming. I'm coming for her. Because everyone who knows me knows....I don't like snitches.

She's not my daughter anymore, and she never will be ever again. I don't care about her anymore. Usually its not a big deal when I don't care about someone anymore, but you know you're in trouble when I hate you. That's how I feel about her. I hate her. That's very dangerous...especially for a snitch.

She didn't just get me expelled. She ripped me away from everything I loved. My work with children, my closest friends who are actually loyal...and Bri...

I made Bri promise not to talk about me, to protect her reputation with the staff. So people won't view her in a bad light.

Sierra took that all away from me.

That day my mom beat me so hard that I had bruises up and down my body and I couldn't walk for a day, so I'm her mom. I don't want her walking when I'm done with her. I'll do her...the way my mom did me...

*names have been changed*

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