Chapter 12

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^^^Hunter Wild^^^^(everything except for eyes and hair, as eyes are blue and hair are blonde) :)

A/N: Hello! How are ya'll doin'? Hope everyone's smiling :) So, I know this update is SUPER late, and you probably don't even care. . But I am really busy nowadays with school and stuff.
I hope you all really like this chapter because I don't have loads of free time, still I wrote it for my lovely viewers!

Leah's POV
The most awaited day of the year is finally here.

Not for me. At least. But the happy grins on the team players' faces, and the girls over the bit enthusiasm gave a hint that today is a very special day.

I clutch my bag straps tightly on my shoulders, and suck in a deep breath. I don't want an emotional breakdown here. Not in my schools hallway, where the cheer team (girls who usually reveal in schadenfreude at each other) are now being a total egotist, talking about who'll look the prettiest.


A tiny scream made it's way out, but thankfully it was blended in all the voices. For once, I didn't stumble and am standing perfectly on my feet with nobody's arms secured around me from falling over.

"You scared me," I half laugh-half whisper, looking up to meet Hunters's gorgeous eyes.

He shrugs with a smile. "You were too much interested in. . ." He nods at the cheer team, then focuses his eyes back on me. "Them," he finishes with a teasing smirk.

My eyes roll back in my eyes on their own. "Yeah, right," I scoff.

He steps closer, and murmurs, "So. . . You comin' to the game, right?" He tilts his head to the left and examines me with a look of sadness, something that's very rare to be seen in Hunter.

I nervously tuck the few strands of hair behind my ear, a bad habit. With a heavy sigh, I force myself to smile, and succeed like a pro.
"Yes. Of course, how could I miss my friends' game."

He grins a real boyish grin, nodding his head like a good, tamed boy.

As I look over Hunter's shoulder, my breath gets caught in my throat. What is happening to me? Why does the atmosphere seems to change when Trevor's around me? I find this whole situation a bit anomaly weird, though I bet I'm just being weird.

Trevor stands just beside Hunter, crossing his arms like an annoyed child who's spoiled by getting gifts every friday, but didn't get one today. He narrows his eyes at me, an expression I am too familiar with. I shrug, trying my best to stay in place.

Why shouldn't I just strangle him?

"I was just counting the minutes. Took you long enough to reach us, brother," Hunter teases, slapping Trevor on the back.

For some ironic reason, Trevor isn't wearing his jersey. Instead, plain black shirt hugs his upper body, paired with some denim jeans.

He rolls his eyes at Hunter. "Now, why would you be doing that? Don't you have like something to do, other than thinking about me?" The look on Trevor's face tells me he is definitely not in a good mood. I wonder why, though. Just earlier in the morning he was grinning for the whole town. "I heard Coach was looking for you," he adds, eyes fixed on me, and me alone.

I look away, breaking the spell. It's too much. I don't like what his eyes hold. It's something I'm afraid of excepting, especially from Trevor of all people.

"Yup, okay. Will see you both later. Bye!" Hunter smiles softly. I wave my hand in farewell.

Once he's gone, Trevor steps in my direction, and says, "Aren't we getting more. . . and more close with Hunter?" he mocks, angling his head sideways.

Tossing my hair back, I state, "Even if I am, that's none of your damn business." I've noticed how much angrier I've started to become. I really need to exorcise some of my pain, so I stop getting annoyed with Trevor, and one day bury him alive.

Like they say, You can't change one's nature.

"Stop being so frank with him."

I scoff. I really do scoff.

"You don't decide that. It's my life, Hunt. Remember that." I push past him, but he grabs my arm, and slightly pulls me back. I don't struggle against his grip.

"Lee. . . Look. . ." His other hand runs through his hair, a sign of frustration. "I need—I need to tell you something—"

Movement from beside stops him mid sentence.

And there stands Bethany. I just love her. She's like the aunt who ruins every event because of her presence.

"Trevor! You look so great, except where's your jersey?" She gasps, trying to act all dramatic. "Is it already with someone," she smirks, casting a filthy glance at me, "Special? Someone who is currently roaming the hallways, wearing it?"

Wow, you totally failed of triggering my anger, Bethany darling!

"What! Awwn, damn it! Man! I asked her not to touch my clothes!" Trevor groans, muttering something under his breath.

I want to laugh at his current state, but my annoyance for Bethany overcomes my amusement.

"Better stop her before things get complicated," Bethany smirks, and winks at me before marching away.

I don't know who that she is, and don't intend to know either. Chances are that Bethany is probably just lying, her attempt to get Trevor away from me.

And she succeeds, when Trevor says, "See you later. Take care." And he jogs away, without a glance at me.
The next chapter will be about the game, so stay tuned!🌸

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