Chapter 1

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(Media= her dress)

Chapter 1

Normal POV

A seventeen year old girl with a basket full of raspberries was sat on the edge of a fountain. Her brown eyes gazed into the crystal clear water, watching a small white feather as it drifted across the surface. Her blonde hair was in a bun on top of her head, but it was a little messy from the walk she had just taken to the market (which was a considerable distance from her home at the north end of the sea side town) and her brown leather boots were scuffed and muddy. The bottom of her cloak was damp from a puddle she had unknowingly splashed in, however her dress had miraculously remained clean. If she had gotten the beautiful gown dirty her Father would have been furious; it was a gorgeous blue, falling to her ankles with delicate frills and a laced front. A birthday gift from her aunt, that had no doubt been incredibly expensive.

The giggles of a young girl as she walked hand in hand with her mother pulled the blonde from her thoughts, and she turned to watch them as they hurried by.

"Asuna, slow down, it isn't lady like." the green haired woman scolded but her eyes were full of love as she looked at the dark haired child.

"But Mama, I don't want to miss the show!"


The teen decided to follow the two and find out what had Asuna so excited, so she rose from where she sat, picked up her basket and began to follow them past the carpenters, bakery and doctors. Soon she didn't have to stalk them; she could hear gasping and cheering. Rounding a final corner, she saw a crowd of people and... Fire? She quickly started pushing her way through the throng until she stood at the very front and could see what was going on. And what a sight it was! A shirtless young man with messy pink hair was breathing fire into the sky. Breathing fire! The girl could only gasp along with everyone else as he began to play with flames. An exotic fight for dominance- a dance. He moved with the red and gold flames, as well as against them, spinning and leaping with his eyes shut tight.

His bare feet barely hit the ground.

The girl forgot to breath she was so entranced by the way the fire glowed, and when the show was over, and the flames disappeared, she had to quickly suck oxygen back into her lungs. All the other viewers began to clap and cheer, but she could only stand and stare at the man. In fact even long after the crowd had dispersed she remained rooted to the spot, silently watching as a boy of around thirteen hurried over.

"Natsu!" He cried as he flung his arms around the bare torso of the pinkette.

"Ah, Happy, how was that?" Natsu replied, smiling down at the grinning kid.

"Not bad, but not your best." Happy shoved a shirt into the arms of Natsu, before walking over to the tin bowl which had been left out. As the boy tipped out the considerable amount of jewels, a few missed the leather pouch and fell to the ground, bouncing in the direction of the young woman.

"Be careful, Happy." the now dressed Natsu followed the progress of the rolling coin with his eyes until they met two scuffed brown leather boots. Lifting his onyx orbs, he met the gaze of the prettiest girl he had ever laid eyes on. She flushed at his intense gaze, lowering her eyes to where the jewel lay glistening in the afternoon sunlight and bending to pick it up off the stone slab it sat on.

"Oh, hello Miss." Natsu smiled, walking over to where she stood.

"G-good afternoon, sir." the flustered blond curtsied as if she stood before royalty.

"What's your name?" he asked, reaching out a hand. She dropped the jewel into his outstretched palm, and his tanned fingers closed around it one by one.

"I, ah, Lucy. Lucy Heartfillia." she gave a quick smile.

"Well I'm Natsu, and this is Happy. Did you need something?" he asked, placing his hands on the back of his head.

"Your... Your show was amazing. But how did you do it?" Lucy asked, looking at him with wide excited eyes.

"Trade secrets." replied Natsu, wiggling his eye brows in what he considered to be a 'secretive' way. It looked ridiculous, and Lucy couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, ok then Mr Fire Eater. I must be going."

She was about to leave when she felt his ridiculously warm hand on her wrist.

"I'm performing again, tomorrow. Same place, same time. Come watch?"

Lucy nodded, before walking away with her basket swinging on her arm. Sneaking a quick look over her shoulder, she saw both boys eyes watching her go, which made her smile and blush as she turned the corner and started off home.

The next day she was back. Standing at the front of the crowd in her scuffed brown boots.

The performance finished and the amazed crowd left, and before even Happy could make his way over Lucy was in front of Natsu, watching as the pinkette put on his shoes.

"How do you do it?"

His only reply was a small smile as he casually pulled on his linen shirt. Then he produced a box of matches, slid it open and removed a single thin match before pushing it shut again. The boy struck the match on the rough side of cardboard, creating a small flame which glowed orange against the grey of the street.

"I take this little match..."

Lucy watched in awe as he placed the match on the back of his hand, watching as after a few seconds the fire began to spread to his finger tips.

"And I ignite myself."

Beneath his brown skin each vein glowed red as though even his blood were ablaze.

Natsu blew gently on the sparks which immediately doubled in size, causing the blue tinged orange to leap up towards his face. The fire snaked down his wrist, singing his shirt sleeve.

"Shit." he muttered, and with a flick of his wrist the flames died down to nothing. "Baka." Happy rolled his eyes as he walked over to Natsu, who was examining his shirt and cursing.

"Hey, blondie." the kid grinned up at her, and she smiled back though his nickname irritated her.

"Hi, Happy. I'm Lucy." The boy nodded before shaking the money pouch he held in Natsu's face.

"Good job."

"Yeah, give me that." Natsu tried to grab the bag but Happy just ran away giggling. Natsu muttered something about fish which Lucy didn't quite catch before grabbing her hand.

"Come on, Luigi." He began to pull her after Happy.

"It's Lucy!" she squeaked.

Natsu could hear her boots smacking against the pavement and her laughing gasps as Lucy ran a few paces behind him. The sun hung low on the horizon ahead, just visible above the horizon of chimneys and roofs, reminding the boy that winter was upon them. He spotted Happy in front of the inn they were staying in, waiting. A few seconds later, Natsu and Lucy reached him, and whilst the first was unfazed the second ended up bent double, panting.
"Slow coaches." the bluenette chucked Natsu the leather pouch and he caught it with ease.
"So... You're travelling?" Lucy asked as her eyes scanned the inn's sign.
"Yeah." Natsu opened the wooden door and walked in, leaving Lucy and Happy on the door step.
"We're looking for Natsu's Dad." stated Happy, and Lucy felt a wave of curiosity.
"Oh? What's his name? I may have heard of him; nobody comes into Hargeon without me knowing."
A moment later Natsu had turned back with hope filled eyes.
"Igneel. His name is Igneel."
His muscles were tense as He watched Lucy scrunch up her nose a little in concentration. After a minute of thought, she shook her head, and Natsu felt himself come crashing back to reality. Of course Igneel wasn't in Hargeon, why would he be?
"Well, thanks anyway." he grinned at her despite the disappointment, but she clearly wasn't buying it.
"Sorry, Natsu. I can ask around-"
"No. No, don't bother."
It came out sharper than he intended, and Lucy felt a little hurt.
"Well, I should get home. It was great to meet you. Really great. Good luck with your Dad." With a dazzlingly bright smile, Lucy turned away and began to walk back down the street, her shadow long in front of her.
"Wait, Lucy!" Natsu called after her, and the blonde paused, looking back over her shoulder into the intense gaze of the pinkette.
"We'll meet again."

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