The night was young

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(This idea came from my little sister ShadowVanitas :3 check her out!) Warning: This story is spoopy and not so spooky.

It was night time and you were just in your house, vegging out on your couch as you stuffed your face with food. You enjoyed food especially junk food. It was like your life which was also crumbling apart from crippling depression. Your phone suddenly started ringing. You sigh and pick up your phone to check to see who was interrupting your you time. It was Markus. The lil s*** was already ruining your night just by calling you. You wondered if you should really answer the call. Hmm...

You declined and continued on your you time by killing your organs with massive amount of junk food. It was your cheat day so. Your phone rings again. You look at your phone again and see that Markus was calling you once again. You declined the call again. He calls not even a second later and you eventually just gave up and answered. "Hello?" You answered. "Hi, (y/n)! I was just wondering if-" you hang up the phone again and continue on your junk food night.

He calls again. You groan in displeasure and pick up the phone and answer with a big frown on your face. "What?" You answered. "I was just wondering if you would like to go to the movies with me. I'll pick you up in my car."

You stay silent for a moment. "I have better things to d-"

"AWESOME!! See you at six!" Markus immediately hangs up on you. "Wait.. But it's about almost six.." You said. In just two seconds after you said that it turned six o'clock. You suddenly heard a knock at the door. "Knock, knock!" Markus said from behind the door. You felt kind of terrified as to how Markus got here so fast. Unless.... He was by your house this whole time. "KNOCK! KNOCK!" He yelled. You drop your snacks. popcorn and candy were all over the floor.

"Who's there?" You answered. "Car!" Markus said. "Car who?" You asked. Markus suddenly breaks through the door, standing like a frog with his eyes crossed outwards. "I'M THE CAR!" Markus answered and started leaping towards you like a mad frog. You screamed and frantically started running for your life as he chased you around the house. "SIT ON MY BACK! I'M THE CAR!" Markus said. "Get away from me you weirdo!" You responded. You take your dog and throw him towards Markus.

Markus gets hit and falls backwards as the dog got all vicious and started biting at Markus's face. "Ahhh!! This demon doggo is tearing up my beautiful and irresistible face!" Markus screamed. You ran up the stairs and accidentally tripped because you ran too fast and you were pretty bad at running so.. You also ate too much and that didn't help either. You rolled down the stairs like a ball and tried getting back up. Markus eventually got the dog off his face and threw him off and continues to chase you. You scream continuously as you make another attempt to run up the stairs for your life. He starts leaping up the stairs after you.

You run into your room and lock the door. "Hey! Let me in, (y/n)!" Markus shouted from out the door. "No!" You responded as you barricaded your door. "Oh. hell no! You dare sass me?!" He responded back. "Oh, heck yes, sweetie!" You said. You wipe your hands, feeling accomplished and safe again as you trapped yourself in your room. You lay on your bed and sigh, feeling tired after a long day of just doing nothing but eating food. That chase was like the most exercise you have ever gotten in your life and it really tuckered you out.

As you were about to close your eyes and drift off into a peaceful slumber, you suddenly hear something. It sounded like someone crawling out from under your bed. You look to see what it could be and it was Connor who turned his head 360 and just stared at you. "I heard you got a dog. I like dogs. Where is the dog?" You screamed and jumped off your bed. You take your pillow and start hitting him mercilessly with it until the pillow broke apart. You run back to the barricade and tried shoving everything out of the way as you continuously screamed. Not sure why you'd do that seeing how Markus was still outside your door, waiting for you, but I guess you weren't quite thinking at the time...

Josh comes out of your closet and Simon randomly comes out from your window. You stupidly back up into a corner, fearing for your life as the androids surrounded you. They all corner you and Markus breaks through the barricade. "DESPACITO!" Markus shouted. Suddenly RK900 breaks through the wall in your room. "Si. It is me. The Cyberlife by sent android." RK900 said. "Why are you all here?? I haven't even prepared for any guests to arrive at my house!" You said, wanting answers.

Connor somehow slowly comes up from behind you as you were still in a corner and slowly wrapped his arms around you. "Hey. What are you do- stop.. Stop it right.. Oh.. Oh.. Okay. Alrighty then..." You said as he fully wrapped his arms around you and rested his chin on your head. RK900 and the other androids started coming towards you with their arms spread out, ready to give you the group hug of your life.

"Hey! Personal space! Stop it! Stop it right now! Ahhhhh!!" You shouted as they got closer and closer. Before they could destroy you with their huggles of doom, a motorcycle crashes into your room. Twas sir Gavin. "Aw man.. My poor wall...." You frowned. "Get in, loser! We're going shopping!" Gavin said and honked the horn on his motorcycle. You break free from Connors embrace and get on the motorcycle. "Drive, man! DRIVE BEFORE THE SALE ENDS ON THOSE SHOES DAT I WANT!" You said.

Gavin takes off and flies away like E.T into the night sky. You and Gavin eventually both get to the mall with the big sale on the shoes, but it was too late. The sale had already ended. Your worst nightmare came true. You kneel down on the ground and scream at the sky. "NoOoOoOoOoOo!!!!" Suddenly a doggo shows up, but it really wasn't a doggo, it was just Hank. "You were too late to get the shoes, now you must pay the price and suffer." Hank said as he waved his magical wand in the air and made the androids that were in your room appear in the mall parking lot.

"No, please! There's got to be another way!" But there was no other way nor was there an escape from your fate. The androids slowly came towards you with their arms wide open, ready to hug. You tried running for your life, but kept falling on everything in your path. You even fell over yourself. The androids catch up to you with ease and were now surrounding you. This was it. This was your impending doom. The androids huddle up around you and hug you. "All I wanted was to live and eat more food!" Your screams echoed throughout the night.

You wake up in your bed with your heart practically pounding out of your chest. You sigh in relief. "It was all just a stupid dream.." You said to yourself. Your phone began to ring. You look at it and see that Markus was trying to call you. You frowned at this. "Screw you, Markus!" You decline the call and put your phone on silent and went back to sleep. What you didn't know was that Markus was under your bed this whole time.


Thank you, thank you. The end.

(Okay, okay.. In all seriousness, I'll be making some REAL spooky stories. Of course, this won't be the last spoopy story in the series, but it'll be the only one for now till further notice. New chapter will be out soon, I promise! :3 I hope I didn't disappoint you guys.. σ(^_^;))

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 10, 2018 ⏰

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