Chapter Three

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"Check mate."
"Nu uh, you cheated!"
"You can't move that there!"
"It moves like this. You used this move to beat me last game."
"Ugh. Rematch!"
"Suit yourself. Prepare to lose, yet again."
"You wish."
Incubux and Nightmare started their maybe tenth game of chess. Gradient was supposed to be keeping score, but he lost track 2 or 3 games ago. He doubted either would win seeing both were stubborn and prideful. Geno and Goth could be heard talking in the kitchen--making an assortment of treats. Fresh was sleeping in his room, Reaper out who knows where. Gradient was brought out of his thoughts as Bluescreen stepped into the room.
"Hey Grad, I wanna take you somewhere." He said. Gradient stood.
"Sure." He answered. Gradient followed Bluescreen out of the room and outside.
"Come on!" Bluescreen chirped. He scaled the drain pipe and hopped up onto the roof.
"Um. I-I don't think I can d-do that." Gradient called. He heard no response.
"Bluescreen?" He called again. No response. Gradient sighed and reluctantly climbed the pipe, standing on the roof. Bluescreen popped up.
"There you are! Let's go!" He said happily. Gradient glanced down at the ground below.
"A-are you sure about t-this?" Gradient asked nervously. Bluescreen giggled.
"Positive. Just...don't look down." Bluescreen said before taking a running start and leaping onto the rooftop of the next house.
"Nope." Gradient said, shaking his head.
"Please?" Bluescreen pleaded.
"No way."
"For me?" Bluescreen asked desperately. Gradient groaned.
"Fine." He huffed. Bluescreen cheered as Gradient hopped over the space between roofs.
"It was exhilarating; I loved it!" Gradient said, grinning.
"Don't you just love the adrenaline coursing in your veins? It's great. Follow me, Grad!" Bluescreen called as he jumped the next roof. Gradient was close behind him. They laughed and talked for a bit while jumping between roofs. Both paused upon hearing voices.
Familiar voices.
Gradient leaned over the edge to glimpse the people. But he leaned too far and tripped.
"Bluescreen-!" He yelled. Bluescreen rushed over.
"Gradient, no!" He shouted. Their hands brushed as Gradient fell over the edge. He let out a piercing shriek.
"GRADIENT!" Bluescreen screamed.
--Ink's POV--
Dream pulled up to a dreary gray building. All six of us got out of the car and walked inside. The receptionist smiled at Dream.
"Your patient is in Room 411." He said.
"Thank you mister." Dream said as he turned away.
"Good luck sir." The man muttered as we followed Dream down the long, dark corridor.
(short time skip)
"Here we are, Room 411!" Dream announced. Error grumbled about something.
"Are we sure 'bout this?" Horror questioned. Lust took a deep breath.
"If it's for Desire, then I'll take on any crazy psycho man." He said confidently. 
"For Gradient." I added. Blue reached for the doorknob.
"Ok then!" He chirped and opened the door, The small room was white, and a dishelved skeleton sat in the middle of the room.
"I didn't know there were visitors. Did you?" The skeleton looked at the space to his left, as if he expected a response. There was an awkward silence.
"Yes he does..." The skeleton muttered, turning back to Dream who knelt in front of him.
"Heya Cross. Do you remember me?" He asked gently. Cross thought for moment before breaking into a large grin.
"Hello Dream! How are you?" He chirped. Dream smiled.
"I'm good, but I'm afraid we need your help." He said. I stepped forward.
"We're trying to find a few people. Since you are a former detective, we figured you could help." I stated. Horror whispered something and Lust nodded.
"This is hopeless." Error huffed. Blue glanced at him before turning back to Cross. Who was staring at the space again.
"Hm...what do you say?" He asked quietly. I waited a moment.
"So?" I prodded. Cross stared unblinking at Error making him shift uncomfortably.
"Only if I can get out of here. And stay out."
"Ha-no." Error replied. Cross raised a bone brow.
"I know where your lost son is." He taunted.
"How?" I blurted. Cross winked.
"And yours, and yours-who is heading towards you brother's hideout." Cross said, looking at Blue, then Horror and Lust, before turning to Dream. I cleared my throat.
"Let's do this." I said.
(2 hours later)
"Are you kidding me?! I'm pretty sure we've been walking in circles." Horror groaned.
"Where are we even going?" Error complained. Cross ignored them and kept walking. After a couple minutes he stopped by the fire escape of a building. He looked towards Lust and gestured to the rooftop.
"Me?" Lust pointed to himself. Cross stared.
"Oh honey, I don't climb buildings." Lust said nervously. Horror looked ticked at his use of 'honey'-probably still upset about the breakup. Cross nodded and seemed to track something up to the roof, then back down.
"Cross?" Dream questioned. Cross shushed him and turned back to inspect the rooftop.
"This is getting ridicu-MMPH!" Error started glitching like crazy as Cross shoved his hand in Error's face.
"Look at the rooftop." He murmured. I did so and saw two figures approach the edge, staring down at us.
"What." I said. One of them leaned over the edge and stumbled.
"Bluescreen-!" They yelled. Blue gasped.
"Gradient, no!" The other figure hurried over to the first. Now it was mine and Error's turn to gasp. The first figure tumbled off the roof, letting out an ear-splitting shriek of terror.
"Gradient!" The second screamed.
"I'll go get your kids." Cross sighed and began climbing the fire escape.


(his eyes aren't open, but the one towards the left of the picture has a red pupil, the other white)

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(his eyes aren't open, but the one towards the left of the picture has a red pupil, the other white)

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