Chapter 1: When will he notice me??

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Bella's POV:

I got woken up by my dog Brody barking at me to feed him,awesome way to wake u -_- I rolled out my king sized bed and ended up on my wooden floor ouch.I slowy got up and went to my bathroom thats connected to my room and took a look in the mirror only to see a girl with lion hair looking back. I stripped of me clothes and got in the shower.Grabbing my strawberry shower gel i washed my body and hair after rinsing off i hopped out and grabbed a towel walking back into my room. Before i started getting ready i went to my Ihome thats holding my gold iphone 5s and clicked my husbands i mean dylans playlist and sang along whie i puton my underwear and went to brush my teeth.After i was done i went to my walk in closet to pick out my outfit for the day.I setteld on some black studded high waisted shorts along with a crop to that says 'I woke up like this' on it. I then went to brush out my hair and let it air dry.I then went down stairs to great my family i have a older sister Lisa(18) and a older brother Sam (23) whos visiting us for a while.I grabbed Brody's dog foor and poured some in his bowl. I then grabbed a apple and some oranje juice and sat down at the table. My mom  asked me what i had planned for today since it was saturday. I think im just gonna go down to the beach a chill for a bit i said.Good cuz me and Sam are going to the mall to get some stuff for haily Lisa said.Haily is my niece aka Sams daughter shes beyond adorable and only 10 months old. After i finished my apple i went back in my room to put on my purple bikini and grab my phone.I walked to the beach that is only 5 min away from my house and sat in one of the lounge chairs they have for visitors.I decided to hop on twitter and see whats new with Dylan. As soon as i opened twitter i saw that he was doing a dm spree i quickly dm'ed him hoping he would answer.I thought about what i should write and started typing i wrote: 'hey bae im ur hugest fan it would be amazing if u answered !! i live on Aruba a small island in the caribbean u should come here its very peacefull and i could give u a personal tour ;)' and hit send.Then i just continued to see all the fans tweeting how dylan dm'ed them but still no sign of dylan in my dm's a sighed bummed out cuz i was sure i wasnt gonna get noticed :c I then decided to go in the water to cool off so i took off my shorts and top and left them on the chair with my phone.

After i got out and dried off i went to check my phone for texts but to my surprise i got a dm notication and omg its from DYLAN finaly i let out  i high pitched scream earning looks from people passing by. I quickly opened it and started reading ' hey its nice seeing i have a fan in the caribbean im googling Aruba right now and i just might take u up on that offer ;) <3' I couldnt breath did he just say what i think he just said. I decided i should dm him back testing my luck at getting noticed again, i wrote:' I sure hope u take that offer u would love it trust me' and hit send. I then looked at the timed and decided to walk back so i put my clothes back on.When i got home there was nobody there they must have all went to the mall. I went to my room and threw my phone on my bed and went to take a shower. After i was done i put on a pair of sweat pants and a over sized tee and let my hair open to air dry. I went over to my macbook and turned it on sitting on my bed.I decided to text my bestfriend Sarah to see what she has planned for tonight since she usually goes out. I insanty got a respond from her saying shes going to a park near the beach to hangout with some guys and asked me to join.Typical Sarah xD

TEXT CONVO: (Me=Bella S=sarah)

M: HAHAH typical whos gonna be there?

S: ohh this guy named keith !!

M: HAHAH some guy u mean ur forever crush keith xD

S: pff and a bunch of his friends exatly why u should come youve been single for like ever

M:yeahh i dont rlly mind being single but ill ask my mom if i can

S: okayy let me know then chica

I then went  to see if my family came home yet and just my luck they came walking thru the door. Hey momma can i go out with Sarah tonight? Where are u guys goung she asked. The park to chill with some friends i said. She said yes so i ran back to tell sarah. She quickly responded telling me to meet her there at 7. Thats 2 hours from now so i decided to go thru twitter on my macbook to pass time.

So the next chapter will be up tmmrw hopefully so yea comment if u have anything to say and sorry for any misspells xD  byee <3

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