Chapter 2; I just might meet you after all

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Before i knew it i had to get ready to meet up with Sarah.I got up from my bed and went to my closet to pick out what i was gonna wear.It took me awhile to decide but i picked a pair of ripped skinny jeans with a black lose fitted shirt with a gold cross on it. I decided i didn't want to straighten my hair today so i put make up on and added my floral print DOPE snapback to my head it going perfectly with my lose curls.I look at the time realizing its 7.10 i quickly put on my black converse and phone then grabbed the keys to my car.I hopped into my 2014 black mustang and stared the engine heading towards the park. I got to the park and parked my car and walked towards the group of friends awaiting me.Look who finally decided to come Sarah said. Oh come on im like 15 min late S. I then noticed she was holding someones hand.This mystery guy was her 5 year crush Keith Palders.Seems like you haven't missed me that much Sarah i said gesturing to their interlocked hands. Sarah just blushed and turned back towards Keith. After a while of talking to some friends i decided to check my phone for any dm's. To my surprise there was a dm from Dylan again. Not that i was complaining. A smile creeped on my face as i unlocked my phone and opened it it read: 'You know incase i decide to take you offer i have to have you number first beautiful ;)' Holy shit did he just call me beautiful AND ask for my number i must be dreaming. With no hesitation i replied' hahah ur making me blush over here my number is (297)5789904'I nonchalantly locked my phone and walked around looking for sarah like my forever crush/idol hasn't just asked for my number. As i was searching for her i heard a pair of moans coming for a bush next to me. I slowly turned around freaked out by the sudden sounds. I walked towards the bush and to my surprise there they were Sarah and Keith sucking each other's faces off.I quietly chuckled to myself and left them to do there thing. Suddenly i felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket.As i grabbed it i saw a unknown number has texted me. I was silently praying this unknown number was Dylan.I clicked the message open and it read:' Hey beautiful its Dylan thank you for giving me ur number.How are you ?' My heart started to beat faster almost jumping out of my chest and quickly replied: 'Its my pleasure and im doing good hanging out with some friends how about you ' and sent it. As soon as i hit send i heard Sarah screaming my name calling me over to where she was. She now sitting on Keith lap who siting on a bench. Why are you on your phone when your supposed to be talking to boys Sarah said. Well i did talk to them but you were having to much fun with Keith to notice i said winking at her earning a blush from Sarah. My phone went off again telling me Dylan had responded back. Who are you texting anyways Sarah asked putting her arm around Keith. Someone i told her i mean not like shes gonna believe me if i said im texting Dylan Holland so i just left it at that. Opening my phone to read the text that said' Oh im on my bed talking to this gorgeous girl' i felt something in the pit of my stomach was i jealous?? I decided to reply : 'oh awesome she must be really pretty and lucky haha' instantly getting a response from Dylan i smiled 'She is very pretty and im the lucky one that she gave me her number. You might know her i mean look in the mirror if you don't and u wil see her ;)' I internally screamed he was talking about me holy crap okay play it cool Bella you can do this i said to my self i decided to reply ' oh so u think im pretty then ;)' and hit send. Sarah then came over to tell me Keith was gonna drive her home now. I smirked and said oh well you guys have fun know not to much fun tho. Sarah hit me lightly on my shoulder and told me ill text you the deets when i get home she smiled widely and walked away with Keith hand in hand. I sighed happy she got her dream man and went over to say bye to the rest of the people there.I then walked over to my car backed out of the parking spot and drove off towards my house.When i reached home i opened to door and saw it was dark inside meaning that everyone was already asleep i walked into my room shutting the door. I threw my phone on my bed changing into some shorts and a lose v-neck and climbed onto my bed. I was almost dozing off when my phones beeped. Dylan had responded he said' i think you are very beautiful ;) oh and about Aruba i may or may not be flying over there next week for a small vacation but ill have to settle some stuff before im 100% sure <3' I just stared at my phone stunned because Dylan Josef Holland aka my idol and my crush may be flying over here!!!!!!!!       I screamed into my pillow not to wake everyone up took a deep breath and replied'OMG really that would be amazing!' Sighing i put my phone on the desk next to my bed and drifted off to sleep with a huge smile on my face

Here's another chapter u guys hope u enjoyed it vote if u want more and share it with your friends that would be awesome <3 ill update soon byeee

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