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The boy stood close to my face, his eyes deep and meaningful, green eyes promising me security and love. Jet black hair brushed along his eyelashes, and sweet pink lips curled into a smile. I felt content and happy as his arms trapped me against the wall, our body warmth radiating from each other. Confusion struck me. This boy isn't Newt, yet I feel the same wholeness Newt gives me.

And just like that, like the flick of a switch, the boy became a viscous beast, his fist pounding into the wall far too close to my head, eyes alive with pure hatred and rage. He screamed in my face, spraying saliva as he did so. He was promising me. Promising to find me no matter where I hid, and repay the debt I bestowed upon him. I no longer felt whole and safe with this boy, instead fear coursed its way through every nerve of my body, flinching at the slightest movement he made. My body ached all over, and as I glanced down, a couldn't help but gasp at the bruise littered arms, some fading away while others were only days fresh. I tried to fight against this monster, but I was just too weak, being easily overpowered.

And then like her angel, Newt was there, shoving the boy off of me. I felt the tears rise, blurring my vision of my beautiful Newt, but an overwhelming sense of sheer happiness and hope filled me.

"Blake," I cried, falling into his strong arms.

"I'm here Bella, everything is going to be alright now," he assured.

Bella. it sounded so familiar. Like home.

Rose. That too brought a sense of familiarity, with it comfort.

"Rose!" I was shaken awake, body jolting forward with a gasp for air. Big mistake.

Black spots danced around my vision, Newt's concerned face inches from mine. And like that, the world came crashing down on me. Pain was the first thing I could feel, my entire leg on fire as the pain spread. We escaped the Maze, but I lost Chuck. Sweet, innocent Chuck sacrificed himself for Thomas, after all he dreamt of was meeting his mum and dad.

Tears prickled your eyes as a gurgled cry left my lips, my body becoming limp. I could feel myself slowly slipping away.

"She's lost a lot of blood, I don't think shes going to make it on her own," Newt said to a strange man.

"Carry her in, we have an emergency medical team waiting inside, they'll take care of her," the man assured. I felt my body lifted from the seat, and in the blink of an eye I was in a white room. People in blue, faces covered in masks hovered over me, muttering things to each other. I let out a low groan of pain, my head falling to the side where I saw Newt, brow knit together in worry and concern before everything went black again.

When I finally woke again, I was in a similar bright monochromatic room which reminded me of the memories of WICKED I had. It was hard to process everything that had happened, from finally escaping the Maze to losing Chuck. Too many questions swirled through my mind, one hell of a headache forming.

"You're awake." Newts voice echoed to my right. I turned my head, seeing his battered and bruised face for what felt like the first time in forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2019 ⏰

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