Part 40: In the Closet

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I was bored. Sincerely bored. "Kyros, I don't see why I can't go out!"

"You're almost a hundred percent," Kyros smiled, his eyes twinkling down at me as he dressed for the day. "And I want nothing less than a full recovery."

"But, I feel fine--"

"And you look it, too." He gave me a wink in the mirror as he straightened his tie.

"Where are you going?"

"Nowhere, actually," he replied. "A conference call in my office, is all. I shouldn't be gone too long."


He gave a small sigh and turned to me. "Come here." He came to my bedside and extended his hand. I took it and he led me to a door. He opened it and did a sweeping gesture. 

"Oh, God!" I stood in the doorway of one of the biggest closets I'd ever seen. "What--" I saw women's clothes. "Who--"

"While you were sick, I had clothes brought in for you," he exhaled. "but since I have only seen you in jeans and jackets, I really don't know your tastes. Why don't you go through them, try things on, and send back what you don't like? Heather from the kitchens can help you. I know you are friends."

"This could take--"

"Hopefully all day," he finished. "With a lunch break and a nap, I hope?"

I was speechless, but then remembered my manners. "Thank you."

"You are my luna, honey," He bent down and rubbed my nose with his. "Anything you want." Suddenly a devious look crossed his features. "May I ask one more favor?"


"Keep everything in that one." He nodded toward a tall slim chest with six drawers. 

"Isn't that a lingerie chest?" I asked. His answer was a wink and one of the sexiest smiles I'd ever seen. A wave of awareness swept over me, memories of his kisses, his touch...and how I wanted more...

"Don't do that." 


"Tempt me to stay." He kissed my forehead. "Lunch and a nap?"

"Lunch, sure. Nap....not so sure."

"You seek to displease me?"

"I seek not to lie to you."

He chuckled and then bent down to kiss me. "Never a dull moment, then." He hugged me close. "Gotta go, I'm not far." He kissed my hands and left. 

I sighed. He was driving me nuts! His kisses were like drugs, intoxicating and addictive. And he kept taking it to one point...and, and stopping. More and more I didn't want him to, but maybe that was the point...

I went into the closet and began trying things on. I couldn't possibly need all this! But then, I saw pictures of him at galas, parties. I looked at the dresses. He said to keep what I liked. I guess that meant those dressy dresses and suits, too.

I was looking at shoes when I smelled wood, old wood. I turned my head to Kyros's side of the closet to see a plastic box with wooden boxes inside. It immediately ignited my curiosity. He didn't say I couldn't look at his clothes and stuff, right? Far more interesting...

I opened the plastic box to see three wooden boxes inside, two larger ones and a small one. On top of each box was a post it with the words Forgive me scrawled on each one. I opened the big ones first. In each, on top were blankets, receiving blankets to be exact, each one identical saved the embroidered letters. One had "K", the other "A." The one with A also had an envelope underneath it, again with the words Forgive me scrawled in the same writing.

I folded them up and put them back in the boxes, then turned my attention to the smaller one. It held a book that looked like a journal since it had no title or markings on the outside. I lifted it, and found a key. I unlocked it, and an envelope fell out. I set the journal in my lap and opened the envelope to find a birth certificate. "Asa Fontana." I read aloud. "Antonio Fontana, father, Elizabeth Archer...mother?" 

Elizabeth Archer was Kyros's mother.  If this was correct.... "Oh, my God--" I saw bookmarked pages, and began to read, even taking lunch in the closet.

"What are you doing?" 

I looked up, startled to see Kyros standing there. "Kyros--"

"That's private!"

"Kyros, come here." I said softly. "You've never opened this, have you?" He stilled, and looked almost scared. "Have you?"

"It was too painful," he was visibly upset. "She kept saying to forgive her so I did, but I didn't want to find something so bad I didn't love her anymore." He swallowed hard. "She was all I had."

"Kyros, sit by me," I pleaded. "Please."

New Age Werewolf Series Book 2: Hunter's Daughter,  Alpha's MateWhere stories live. Discover now