Chapter 32

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With the remainder of our 2 months honeymoon. We had fun, we made love, we spoke about things and we even had fun with tequila again. The doctor came by every day or every week in those 2 months and my little baby was doing okay. She was doing amazing and growing and perfectly healthy.. I didn't wanna hear the babies heartbeat until I was about 8 months along so I called Dr. Chapman and told him my concern about that and he said that would be fine since he knew me and Brandon had concerns with hearing it and then losing it....


We walked through the front door. "WELCOME HOME!!!!!" The boys hugged us and gave me kisses on the cheek. "What a nice welcome home.." I said, laughing. Mat and Jose winked at him. Brandon looked at me. "Babe, why don't you and the boys go out? And I stay here?" He asked. "Why? Don't you wanna come?" I held his hand. "Uhm I have a lot of paperwork to get done and the boys never gave you a nice treat for our wedding." He told me. He was lying. He was up to something. "Uhm... Yeah, sure. I'll go with you guys." Mat picked me up. "Great! Let's go!" He rushed me out the house and we put in the car. "Oh god..." Jose and Ramón stayed inside and spoke and I knew it was about whatever Brandon was up too..

The guys took me to an ice cream parlor. "When we all moved here.. This was our favorite place to hang and why not bring the new member of the family?" I blushed at Taylor's remark. "Thanks guys.." I ordered a chocolate swirl and sat with them. We talked about how the honeymoon went, "It was amazing! He said you all lived there once?" I asked, licking the ice cream. "Yeah.. We lived there with B and his--" Shield punched Taylor in the ribcage. "With who?" I asked, confused.

Mat sighed and crossed his arms. "He didn't want you knowing about her because she was the past... She died years ago but he loved her very much." He told me. "Who?" I asked. "Her name was Sierra Millian," Shield said. "They lived together and he loved her very much. After she died, he needed a replacement so that's how Lou came into the picture but then you came along and none of us have seen him so in love... He is more in love with you then he EVER EVER EVER was with her so please don't feel threatened."

I shook my head. "No.. No, of course not. It's just I'm surprised he never told me about her.. How'd she die?" I asked. "She was killed--" he stopped and I noticed his uncertainty. "By?" Shield bit his lip. "By-- By... Lily.. Lily Foster." I was so confused. I didn't understand anything. "What?! Lily? But-- but she's so nice! She cares about Brandon!" I spat. Mat smirked and shook is head in disbelief. "We knew about her and her evil antics for years... We knew she wasn't dead. We knew she worked for Ricardo. We knew she was bad news.. That's why she never showed to the wedding because we knew she was gonna do something bad. Everything she has ever told Brandon is a lie."

I shook my head in frantic. "Why have you never told him? That lunatic could kill him or even worse, me?!" Taylor took over. "Because he would never believe us! He would call her and she would only fill his head with bullshit and make us look like the bad guys... She killed Sierra--"

"Why?" I asked. "Why would she kill a poor girl that did nothing wrong and was hopelessly in love with him! Why would she do that to her brother?! And the house burning down? When she told him that she had been taking away and brainwashed to hide that she was alive.... That was a lie too?" I asked. They all nodded. Ramón spoke, "She said it all to make an excuse.. She knows she's the one who asked her father to start that fire.. Disappear and left Brandon, alone and confused. She did all that so she would be able to live in peace." He told me.

I understood it all now. She was a fraud. "She told Brandon that she used to work for Ricardo but that was a lie? She still does?" The boys nodded. "There's still something that doesn't add up.. Why would she kill Sierra? For what? What did she have against a girl she knew nothing about?" I asked. Mat took over, and shrugged his shoulders. "We don't know... We have no idea but we're gonna find out." He told me. "I always had a bad feeling about her... That's why I never liked her." I told them. "Good. She's fake. She's a liar and will do anything to turn Brandon against you, like she did with Sierra, without him knowing of course.. After that, they broke up... A couple months later, she turned up dead. B never knew who killed her but we ended up finding out and decided to never tell him due to Lily being "dead" to him." I nodded. "Now that he knows she's alive and he's happy about it.. We can't just tell him. She'd call bullshit and he'll believe her." Shield rolled his eyes and I finished my ice cream. "Well... Let's go home, aye?" I asked. Now I knew the truth about who Lily really was but I couldn't tell Brandon.. I wouldn't.

We walked into the house and it was already 7pm. "Hey!" Brandon grabbed me and kissed my lips. The boys all walked in and smiled at me. "What?" I laughed. Brandon bit his lip. "Come with me..." He took me upstairs and into his room. He built an open and close ladder. I climbed them and saw the amazing scenery in front of me. "Oh my god.... Oh my god! This rocks!" I exclaimed. He smiled and crossed his arms. "How--?" I was in shock. "I made sure the boys kept you out for as long I needed... I finished just in time." I looked and saw the roses, the dozen and dozen roses growing in the roof garden. "This is on the fucking roof!" I screamed. "I made my contractors make another floor on the house just for you..." I ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"You're an incredible husband." He blushed and smiled. "I'm glad..." I kissed him passionately and Mat came up, bringing up too chairs. He left and he gave me a script to one of my favorite poems. "How did you know--?" I smiled. "I just do..." We sat down and he talked about the poem, I told him my feelings about it and he told me his.. "I didn't know you were so poetic, Brandon Foster." I laughed. "I know everything about you."

"What?" I asked. "I knew you, I knew about you and your life before you even told me. Before we even met.." He said truthfully. "How?" My face got serious. "The files that Ricardo had on you... They were your parents, your real parents. That gave you up and Jude so you wouldn't know about their life, they were criminals and they worked for Ricardo's father, Teddy." I was in shock. "What?!" I was in such shock. "Later that year, they were killed and Teddy found out about your real father--"

"My real father?! So... Jude is my half brother?" He nodded and I got up from the chair. "Callie--" I pulled away from him. "Don't talk to me right now... I can't believe you kept this from me!" I spat angrily, going back downstairs and leaving the house.


I was still angry and felt deceived because Brandon kept this from me but I needed answers. I walked upstairs and he was on his laptop. "Tell me. Everything. Now." He closed his laptop and I sat on the bed with him. "Your real father.. Robert Quinn, he knew about you. He has a daughter and a wife. He tried contacting me but I refused to give him information about you because I knew Stef and Lena wouldn't approve." I crossed my eyes in anger, "Anything else you've been keeping from me?" I asked. He shook his head. I stood, "I wanna meet him." He got defensive. "No... Callie, no. You don't want to do that." He warned. "Why not? Is he like a drug maniac or a crazy mental patient?" I asked. "No.. No. He's a regular person but once he sees you, he's gonna take you away from me.." He told me. "Babe, I'm almost 19. Were married and I'm having your baby.. He can't do that." Brandon kissed my temple and wrapped his arms around me. "I hope not, I really love you Callie. I can't lose you."

I kissed his lips softly. "You won't.. But I do want to meet him." Brandon disagreed with my decision but he obeyed my wishes like a gentlemen. I smiled and I snuggled up to him in bed. "Night.." I said. "Night, babe." He told me.

The next morning. We waited until 4pm to go to the Quinn house, He wrapped his arms around me and we walked the long front yard to the front door. "What if he doesn't like me?" I shook in fear. "We all wanna know where we come from, I mean we all wanna know why our knees are weak or why can't we sing? We all wanna know... That's just a part of us being who we are." He told me. I took a deep breathe and rung the door bell. A man opened the door, he looked at me and then at Brandon. "Foster..." He told him. He looked at me and I gulped. Brandon turned to me, "Robert, this is--"

"Callie Jacobs... You're my daughter." He told me.. "Yeah," I said awkwardly. "Hey.."


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