all night

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My heart beats a little faster
When our eyes meet in the middle of a crowded room

"I never believed in love at first sight, that is until I saw you.  As soon as we made eye contact I was absolutely smitten, I couldn't get you out of my head.  We literally only held eye contact for all of a minute, but that was enough time for me to memorize the green of your eyes that have grey flecks throughout them.  I didn't know why I was feeling this, and I didn't know why I felt the same feeling in my stomach as when she used to look at me before we broke up.  

We were in the middle of the cafeteria, and I guess I just didn't really think much of it, well I didn't until I realized that five minutes later I was still smiling like a little kid who was just got a brand-new toy.  I turned to my friends who I was sitting with and they all had the same smirk on their lips, the one that said "I know something you don't."  And like the fool I was I decided to leave them be and not say anything for that time being.  

In knee deep, testin' waters
I've got a feelin' and I don't know what to do

For the next week and a half I saw you every day on the way to my table at lunch.  Not that I was looking...well I mean I wasn't not looking but I also wasn't creeping around trying to find you.  What I mean is I tried to find something distinguisable about you, other than your eyes, that I could use to describe you to my friends.  I wanted to just know your name, I wanted to know you and to do that I would have to do one of two things.  One: I would have to go up to you and talk (yeah, that definitely wasn't going to happen, I'm an awkward potato even now three years later,) and two: I would have to point you out to my friends and hope and pray that they would know who you are (yeah, that's what I went with, shocker.)  

Thankfully Dinah knew who you were, I still thank her to this day about that, and you know that to be true.  She told me your name and I automatically remembered you being in one of my classes freshman year, I think it was my mechanical engineering class.  You were really good in the class if I remember correctly.  

"Hey, could you hold these two wires together so that I can weld them?" You asked, looking at me directly.  I was sitting in the back with my head down, I only did the bare minimum to keep my A average in all my classes, I only took the class so my mom would get off my ass about not being into the same stuff as she was in high school.  

"Uh yeah, sure," I had said, I was annoyed because you had taken me away from The Catcher in the Rye  which I was rereading for the fifth time that year.  You had pulled me away from Holden leaving Pency and getting his lecture from his history teacher, and I wasn't having any of this whole situation.  

"Thanks ..." You trailed off, I assumed waiting for me to give my name, and I decided to give it to you just because I thought it couldn't hurt to give you my name, seeing as maybe if I did you'd leave me alone for the rest of the semester.

"Camila, my name's Camila.  And yours is?" I asked, holding my hand out with the shy smile I always used when I talked to someone I didn't know.  

"Oh uh my name's Lauren, it's nice to meet you Camila," you said, flashing me the smile I fell in love with over those next few years, I still can't believe I didn't see you the way I see you now back then.  

"You too Lauren," I said, shaking your hand, before pulling it back and saying something about how we should probably get on with the welding thing you needed to get done.  

You got me paralyzed and I think I like it
Caught me by surprise, I'm not usually like this, no

"Mila, are you gonna go and talk to her or are you just gonna keep staring at her from across the cafeteria?" Dinah asked me as we sat down at the table for lunch about a week after I first noticed you.  I had been saying that I was working myself up to it, but I was really just saying that to keep her and my other friends off my back.  I just didn't know what I was going to say, and to be honest I was never very good at the whole talking to people I barely know thing, you know that better than anyone.  

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