Sweetest things

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He laughed at every joke I made and I laughed at his. I'd take a bite of my food and he would smile, knowing I would become embarrassed. He always told me how much he loved when my cheeks would go red, thinking I looked cute. I loved the way he would look into my eyes while I spoke, telling my he was listening to every word individually. He listened so well. And when he was nervous he would jolt his head slightly, sometimes rubbing his nose against his shoulder. He told me how he loved the fact I would make napkins into paper airplanes to distract myself. Every moment I was around him felt like I was the luckiest girl in the world. And as we leave the restaurant, he takes my hand, squeezes it gently, reminding me he would always be at my side. Then we would find a private moment where everything was quiet, where we would just look into each other's eyes, just smiling and then slowly leaning into kiss. He would have to bend down slightly as I was shorter, but he showed that he didn't mind. And every kiss was better than the last. All the passion in the world couldn't compare to this moment. He knew exactly where to place his hands, stroking my cheek with his thumb. His body, touching mine, embracing me, as I embraced him. And when it was over, he would just look into my eyes again, telling me how beautiful I was and how he never knew he could end up with someone as good as me. I would think the same thing, showing this by grabbing him and kissing him more passionately than the last. Then I would tell him I loved him, and we would go to bed, I snuggled up against him as he whispered to me goodnight.

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