Last Year as a Teen

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"Yeah, Yeah there is no way I'm wearing that gown anywhere besides my bedroom to sleep. For my Christmas girls night out I am gonna deck out."
"Well well missy, I hope you can get out the house with that dress u wanna wear"
"No biggy I'll just change into it later when we reach Raddisons anyway"

Me and my friends are planning a huge highschool reunion for Christmas Eve night and well its gonna be huge since all the people we contacted are up and ready for the challenge of making it out for the night. We are totally gonna party the night away!!!

Right now its me and Tina in this room and I can't seem to get my makeup right. She keeps telling me how to do it and I keep messing it up.

"Stacey give me that lash please before I stab you with my liner" she complained and takes over. Watching my Best friend do my makeup and planning an epic night is gonna be the best time of being 19.

Looking in the mirror I just couldn't belive what we were about to do. I mean yes I am 18 and no one can stop me... But that dosen't mean I cant get kicked out...

I am gonna rock this party so hard! Not gonna think about no one. Not gonna hear my phone ringing. Not gonna think twice.

I am the Stacy who has been locked up for 19 solid years. She is gonna party hard.

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