Dragons and Dragonborn

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"I am as my father Akatosh made me. As are you... Dovahkiin." — Paarthurnax

History of Dragonkind
After Mundus was made, but before men were, dragons ruled the realm. Dragons came when Akatosh (the god of creation and time), also known as Anui-El, Auriel, Auri-El, and other names, created the first dragon and his first son, Alduin. Alduin was a creator and destroyer. He could bring life to worlds, and end others. Akatosh made Alduin to bring balance to the universe; the balance of life and death. Alduin settled on Nirn along with his dragon brothers; specifically on the Throat of the World, which is the tallest mountain in Tamriel.
Then, men were born. They spread all over the lands and outnumbered the dragons hundreds to one. Even so, the dragons were much stronger than men, and they ruled over them with Alduin being head. Their rule was cruel and unjust, but men could not do anything to stop them. See, the dragons had a power called the Voice; a roar so mighty it could shake the sky and tear mountains apart. To the dragons, the Voice was only conversing, but to men, it was a terrifying force.
The ruthless dragon rule went on until the goddess Kyne (also known as Kynareth) saw man's struggles. Paarthurnax, Alduin's brother and most trusted ally, had seen how gruesome their ways had been and felt heavy with regret. When Kyne saw that Paarthurnax sympathized man, she called upon him to teach mankind the Voice. Paarthurnax did just that; he gathered the people and taught them how to shout as he did. When they learned this power, man could finally stand up against their unforgiving dragon masters; thus beginning the Dragon War.
     The war lasted for many years, and was a bloody battle for both sides. Many died; man facing the most loss. The long war finally reached a climax when the Nord heroes created a shout, called Dragonrend, which forced mortality upon the beasts, making them temporarily confined to the ground. Now having an advantage over their masters, three Nord heroes gathered their brothers in arms and went to the peak of the Throat of the World. These heroes were named Hakon One-Eye, Felldir the Old, and Gormlaith Golden-Hilt. Together they led the attack on Alduin, battling him on the top of the mountain.
     The Dragonrend shout caused Alduin to plummet into the ground, but he was still too powerful for the Nords to defeat. Felldir grabbed the Elder Scroll he had with him, and using it, he banished Alduin out of the world. Man was finally saved. They had won.
     After Alduin's banishment, the rest of the dragons followed. All but Paarthurnax, who made his home at the peak of the Throat of the World. He was peaceful, however, so man let him stay. After all, they owed their gift of the Voice to Paarthurnax. For the ones that had learned to shout, and had defeated their dragon overlords, they were hence known as the Dragonborn; mortal men with the soul of a dragon, that could use the Voice, and slay the scaled beasts.
     For centuries, dragons had not been seen. They fell into myths and legends. Until, the Dragon Crisis. Alduin returned to Nirn in a furious rampage. He had come back, and this time, he sought to destroy Nirn forever. Yet fate realized that one day the World-Eater would return, and so it chose a hero; the Last Dragonborn. This hero started as no one, but soon discovered they had the power to defeat the dragons that were returning. The Greybeards, monks that lived high on the mountain where Alduin was first cast out, summoned the Last Dragonborn to their temple of High Hrothgar. There, they taught the prophesied hero to use the Voice.
     Once the Last Dragonborn had learned how to control their gift, they set out to defeat Alduin the World-Eater and save all of Tamriel. Eventually, they succeeded; battling Alduin in Sovengarde, the Nordic heaven. Along with the heroes of old, he was once again destroyed. Some believe however, despite the Last Dragonborn's victory, Alduin will once again return to the realm of men. Will he return only to be stopped by another Dragonborn? Or will he finally succeed in destroying Nirn? Only time will tell.

The Voice
     The Voice is a power that was first used by dragons, but then learned by men. Anyone can learn to use this power, but for mere mortal men and mer, it takes years to master. As for the Dragonborn, they are able to learn the Voice in seconds; being like dragons themselves in that regard.
     The Voice consists of shouting words of power. Each "word of power" is made up of three parts; when spoken together they make a Shout. This Shout causes a thundering roar to come from the speaker's mouth, also causing a specific power to happen. Such as slowing time, clearing the sky of rain or snow, or simply force-pushing a person away from the user. A Shout, or Thu'um as it is also often called, can be very dangerous. That is why the Greybeards encourage their apprentices to only use it in true need.
     The Voice is also spoken in Dragon Tongue, the language of the dragons. For example: "krin kulaan" means "courageous prince" - krin being the word for courageous, and kulaan being the word for prince. A Shout is made up of three words; "fus ro dah" meaning "force, balance, push" is a Shout that will violently thrust the enemy away. Each Shout, much like spells, has its own meaning and therefore own power. There are countless Shouts that can be learned, and much like Dragonrend, new Shouts can even be made.
     The Thu'um can be used to fight enemies or to worship the gods. Some believe using the Voice in violence is wrong, and it should only be used for worship. However, not everyone agrees to this; including the Last Dragonborn. Even so, the Voice can be used for defense and not to cause havoc upon those who cannot use it. It depends on who the speaker is and what their morals are. Regardless of who uses it, no one can deny that it is a very powerful thing. To be blessed with such an ability should be seen as an honor.

To Be Dragonborn
     Having the title "Dragonborn" can be confusing to some. Being a Dragonborn means that the individual has the soul of a dragon, and has the ability to absorb dragon souls and learn Shouts without any form of vigorous training.
     However, some refer to the Dragonborn as people with dragon blood in their veins. Much like the Septim family line. This is not true, though. Those with dragon blood are powerful, yes, but they cannot absorb souls and learn to shout in a moment. So, a true Dragonborn can have dragon blood, but not all people with dragon blood can be Dragonborn. Simple, really.
     This can also be confused with people who learn to shout. Not everyone that can shout is Dragonborn, only if they have the capability of understanding the Thu'um without any training. Anyone can learn a Shout, but for those without the soul of a dragon, it would take them many years.
     Being blessed with the name Dragonborn has no restriction to gender, race, or age. It is simply up to the universe to bestow such potential to a person. Even with such an ability, men of this kind are still mortal, and can die like anyone else. They are stronger than most, though, and should be respected and even feared. They can kill by simply muttering a word.

The Emblems
     To get to High Hrothgar, the temple of the Greybeards, one must climb the 7000 steps. Along the steps, there are emblems with the story of the dragons etched into them. Many go to meditate on these stones, or even travel just to read them. They are as follows:
Emblem I - Before the birth of Men, the Dragons ruled all Mundus; Their word was the Voice, and they spoke only for True Needs; For the Voice could blot our the sky and flood the land
Emblem II - Men were born and spread over the face of Mundus; The Dragons presided over the crawling masses; Men were weak then, and had no Voice
Emblem III - The fledgling spirits of Men were strong in Old Times; Unafraid to war with Dragons and their Voices; But the Dragons only shouted them down and broke their hearts
Emblem IV - Kyne called on Paarthurnax, who pitied Man; Together they taught Men to use the Voice; Then Dragon War raged, Dragon against Tongue
Emblem V - Man prevailed, shouting Alduin out of the world; Proving for all that their Voice too was strong; Although their sacrifices were many-fold
Emblem VI - With roaring Tongues, the Sky-Children conquer; Founding the First Empire with Sword and Voice; Whilst the Dragons withdrew from this World
Emblem VII - The Tongues at Red Mountain went away humbled; Jurgen Windcaller began His Seven Year Meditation; To understand how Strong Voices could fail
Emblem VIII - Jurgen Windcaller chose silence and returned; The 17 disputants could not shout Him down; Jurgen the Calm built His home on the Throat of the World
Emblem IX - For years all silent, the Greybeards spoke one name; Tiber Septim, stripling then, was summoned to Hrothgar; They blessed and named him Dovahkiin
Emblem X - The Voice is worship; Follow the Inner path; Speak only in True Need

     Dragonkind is the stuff of legends, and many tell the stories of the ancient beasts and their men-kin. They sing songs and tell poems, carve stones and stitch tapestries. Even the god of time, Akatosh, is represented as a dragon, and often referred to as the Dragon-God. They are not just myths to be brushed off as lies; they are real and true. And everyone should know.

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