Septim Dynasty and the Empire

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"So long as the blood of the dragon prince runs strong in her rulers, the glory of the Empire shall extend in unbroken years."
— Uriel Septim VII

The Empire
     The Empire has been the center of government rule for ages and ages. It's reign over all the provinces started late in the Second Era with one man. Tiber Septim.
Tiber Septim has many names actually, and many different beliefs on how exactly he founded the Empire. Some say it was out of a thirst for power, some say it was for peace among all men. Some even say the gods wanted him to, so he did as they commanded.
Regardless of how it happened, the man and his armies created the imperium out of a long series of wars and rebellions. His descendants took over his throne when he passed, thus beginning the rule of the Septim family line.
     The seat of the Empire was put in Cyrodiil, in the great Imperial City. Which, conveniently, is right in the center of Tamriel. The provinces are allowed to govern themselves how they see fit, but in the end the Empire has an overall say. If anyone thinks they are above its rule, they will send out the military of the Imperial Legion to deal with anyone against them.
     Ofcourse the throne belongs to the king or queen, but in order to keep a healthy balance, the Elder Council provides aid. The Elder Council is like a group of advisors to the king or queen, and if one family line should die out, they will appoint a new Emperor. Though, that has only happened once so far. They are also in charge of day-to-day tasks like overseeing the cooperation of the provinces, help in any way during emergencies, and seeing to the financial duties in the Imperial City.
     Things usually run smoothly for the government, but there have been times of epidemics and espionage. Not everyone always has the best interests of the people in mind. When the Empire gets unstable, rebellions start to take hold. Even so the Empire has prevailed.
     From legendary beginnings to their recent activity, the Empire has been around for a long time. It's kept itself alive. Strong families have held its power, some greater than others. Will it be around forever? Maybe, maybe not. It all depends on what the future holds.

The Septims
     Ever since Tiber, the Septims have been rulers for centuries. It's no surprise that they have; the family has dragon blood running through its veins. It makes them very powerful and highly respected. Dragon blood is a gift from the dragon-god Akatosh; only a fool would not respect a family gifted by the gods.
     Or so some would have you believe. As powerful as they were, the Septims were still mortal. Pelagius Septim the First's reign as the second Emperor of Tamriel was, quite literally, cut short. He was murdered by a member of the Dark Brotherhood. Despite being the grandson of the mighty Tiber Septim, he did not live up to his grandfather's greatness.
     Kintyra Septim, Pelagius the First's cousin, took over after his death. She was the first Empress of Tamriel. Under her rule, Tamriel was prosperous and peaceful. With her being a lover of dance and music, bards and artists were more appreciated. Tamriel flourished, showing to those who may have had cold hearts toward the Empire that it wasn't all that bad. At least, when someone good was in charge.
A few centuries forward, in the Third Era, Pelagius Septim the Third had become Emperor. Ever since he was young, Pelagius was cursed with being insane. Paranoid, depressed, and mentally unstable is what he was. Hence why people called him Pelagius the Mad. The poor man suffered from night terrors, fits of anger, anxiety, and psychological issues all his life. When he was ruler, he would innocents executed, humble commoners arrested, and even tried to pass ridiculous laws.
On his deathbed, his final act as king was to outlaw death. Ironic, but not surprising. With that, he passed away and forever faded into legend as one of the most famous madmen in Tamriel. His siblings and other relatives mostly ran the Empire for him, but Pelagius definitely made it difficult to keep the peace. His remains were buried on the Shivering Isles. How suiting.
Uriel Septim the Seventh was the twenty-first Emperor. He ruled many decades after Pelagius the Third. He was a diligent king, and very skilled in his military prowess. He served for quite a while until he was betrayed by his battlemage and thrown into the Imperial City dungeons. He soon was freed by a fellow prisoner who would later be known as the Grand Champion. Not for long, though, as the assassins caught up to the two.
Before he was killed, Uriel gave the Grand Champion his Amulet of Kings. The amulet was an emblem of rulership, like a Septim family heirloom.
"It must pass to the last of the Dragon's Blood," Uriel told the Champion. It was then the Champion's responsibility to find the last of the Septim bloodline, and heir to the throne. So the brave prisoner left to find him. His name? Martin Septim.
Martin lived out his life as a priest, and never knew his parents. Much less knew that they were part of the royal family who had inherited the Empire for centuries. That is until the soon-to-be-champion found him. At first he didn't believe it, but he soon came to realize that he indeed was Uriel's son. A long quest ensued until finally the two got back to the Imperial City. During this time, the Oblivion Crisis was going on, and the Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon was about to attack the capitol. In order to stop him, Martin had to tap into his divine power and send the demonic god back into his realm of Oblivion.
Martin said goodbye to the Champion, who had become his close friend, and used his dragon blood to turn into a giant, golden dragon. The aspect of Akatosh himself. Mehrunes Dagon and Martin fought, until Dagon was cast out. Sadly, Martin died in the battle, leaving a gaping hole in the Empire and ceasing the Septim line. He was a hero in the short time he was Emperor, and is remembered as such all across the provinces. He was courageous, humble, compassionate; he would have made a great king.
His short reign ended the Septim rule on a good note. Even though not all the Septims were kindhearted or brave, they kept the Empire alive. Through rebellions, strife, bankruptcy, and otherworldly phenomenons the throne has stood. Many say there will never be a ruler who looms quite as large as the Septim kings and queens. It certainly is a legend to live up to.

Who Rules After?
Ever since the death of Martin Septim, the Elder Council has had to appoint a new ruler, since Martin had no one to inherit the throne. It was a long while until the Council found a new family to take their place. Eventually they did, and it was the Mede family who took over. Thus beginning a new dynasty, and the Fourth Era. Can they succeed in carrying on the good in the Empire? Can they live up to such a title? We will only know in due time.

Kingdoms rise, kingdoms fall. That is just the way of the world. Where one kingdom ends, another will takes it place. It will go on and on until the end of time. Nevertheless, the great lineage of the Septims will be remembered throughout history. Their predecessors have a lot to live up to.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2018 ⏰

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