Chapter 1: The New Recruits

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My name is Y/N Lockhart and I'm a wizard in the fairy tail guild. I've been here for almost 5 years. Master Makarov took me in when I was in desperate. I lost my mom, the sea dragon, when I was little. Her name was Serena and she was the nicest mom I've ever had. She was the one who taught me how to use sea dragon magic which is now pretty useful to me. I also have a partner who's always with me. Her name is Sarah and she's an exceed.
Here, in fairy tail, everyone is friendly, we all do jobs that can get us rewards if we succeed. It's normally in team, I'm always doing them with Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, Gray, Erza, Charles and Happy. We're the strongest team in fairy tail. My best friends are Lucy, Juvia and Levy. We hang out all the time.
Today, I was relaxing in the guild hall talking with Juvia and Levy when Lucy came to us and said
Lucy: Guys, did you hear about the news?
Me: No. What news?
Lucy: Apperently, there's going to be new recruits coming at fairy tail, they're a bunch of wizards and super hot guys. They are super famous and always on magazines everywhere. I wish I could be on weekly sorcerer at least once.
Me: Wow, they must be something else.
Juvia: They may be popular but I'm sure they aren't hotter than my gray-sama.
Levy: Why did master recruit them?
Lucy: I don't know, I asked master but he said it was a secret.
Me: When are they coming?
Lucy: Today, I'm really excited what about you guys?
Me: Are you sure you're excited for the guys or the reporters that's going to be there?
Lucy: Probably both.
Me: I guess this is going to be a long day.

Namjoon P.O.V
We are now walking toward magnolia to this fairy tail guild. Their master recruited us for a secret mission I mean who wouldn't. We're probably the strongest group of wizard, that's why they needed our help.
Jin: Namjoon I'm freaking hungry here. When the heck are we going to eat? I can't walk anymore.
Yoongi: Hyung, it's only been 2 hours since we ate lunch and rested and you're still tired?!
Jin: It's not my fault because I need energy to maintain my beautiful face. I bet there's going to be a bunch of pretty girls there and I can't go there not looking good enough for the public.
Me: Whatever it is. We're already late so we can't afford to rest so keep walking unless you want to be left behind.
Jungkook: Aish! Namjoon hyung is in a really bad mood today.
Taehyung : Yeah. I know. He's the worst when he's angry.
(I turned around a bit pissed) : I heard that you know
Jungkook and Taehyung : *gasp!*

After an hour (Author P.O.V)
BTS finally arrived to the fairy tail guild greeted by the fire dragon slayer first
Natsu: yo are you guys new here?
Namjoon: we are here to talk to the master of the guild.
Natsu: gramps is not here right now. He went on a business trip and should be back soon but you guys can wait in the guild there's plenty of space and food here.
Jin and Jungkook: FOOD!!! (and they ran inside the guild like there was no tomorrow)
Yoongi: Aish, these two are going to be the death of me.
Hoseok: let's just go in I'm sure there's plenty of good people here and we can make new friends.
Rest of BTS: ok let's go in

I was trying to create a new song which is my favourite hobby, music always calm me down. Anyways, I was doing my business until I heard loud noises and 2 guys running like crazy into the guild. What the heck is going on? I thought. After a few minutes people were gathering all around the new group that entered the guild.
Me (it's probably that group of wizards that Lucy-nee san was talking about might as well go check it out)
With that, I walked to that huge crowd curious and saw seven hot guys. I was in awe for a second but then came back to reality.
Sarah: Y/N, are you ok?
Me: yeah I'm fine.
That's when the boys all noticed me.
Me: uh hi, how are you

Jin P.O.V
Wow she's beautiful, her hair, her eyes are flawless. I think I'm gonna use my charms on her. I'm sure she'll fall for me I mean who wouldn't, I'm so handsome and perfect.
Y/N: uh hi, how are you
She approached us. This is my chance. I approached my face close to hers and look at her in the eyes. She was surprised and blushed at the same time.
Me: hey beautiful, call me handsome babe.
She then look at me in disbelief,
Y/N: why would I do that, I mean I just barely saw you guys and I don't even know you.
I was in shook with what she said. I couldn't believe my powers didn't work on her. My powers normally works on everyone. 
Me: you really don't know us? We're super famous if you didn't know.
Y/N: sorry I'm not really interested in famous wizard, but I'm sure Lucy-nee san would be glad to see you guys she's a huge fan of yours.
Author P.O.V
BTS was amused by what Y/N said so they decided to officially introduce themselves.
Namjoon: well since you don't know us very well let us introduce ourselves. I'm Kim Namjoon, leader of the group. I'm also an Iron god slayer.
Y/N: is that why you wear similar outfit to Gajeel? (chuckles)
Namjoon: who's Gajeel?
Y/N: oh someone you will get along with very well I'll introduce later.
Namjoon: whatever. And this is Jung Hoseok.
Hoseok: HII!! So nice to meet you I'm sure we can be very good friends. I can also become your hope if you ever feel down (he smile)
Namjoon: Hoseok can you not? *sigh. He's the most excited one of the group and loves to be friend with everyone.
Hoseok: my powers are to make people fall in love but only if they are soulmate. I'm also good at sword fight. I trained since I was little.
Namjoon: this is Min Yoongi, he's the quiet one of the group
Yoongi: sup
Namjoon: he mostly sleeps all the time, it's his hobby I guess and he's also a wind wizard. Onto the next one. This is Park Jimin.
Jimin: h-hi um I-I'm J-Jim-in ni-ce t-to me-et you
Namjoon: ya he can be a bit on the shy side to the people he doesn't know.
Y/N: aw it's ok, nice to meet you jimin (she smiled)
Jimin(smiled back blushed a little bit)
Namjoon: he has take over magic but can only transform into insects.
Y/N: cool you could practice with the Strauss siblings they all have take over magic.
Jimin smiled and didn't say anything.
Just then the 2 guys behind Namjoon came to Y/N
Taehyung: hi my name is Kim Taehyung but you can just call me tae
Y/N: ok tae (she said awkwardly)
Jungkook: my name is jungkook nice to meet ya. Don't feel shy around me. I'm not the type to scare people except if you challenge me to a magic fight.
Y/N: ok nice to meet you Jungkook.
Namjoon: these guys...they are the youngests of the group. Jungkook has the magic to destroy things that he hits and Taehyung has the magic to control nature. We are known as the Bangtan sorcerers in short BTS
Y/N: your magics are pretty cool. Here at fairy tail everyone has strong magic.
Namjoon: oh what type of wizard are you, come to think of it you didn't introduce yourself.
Y/N: my name is Y/N Lockhart and I'm a sea dragon slayer and this is my exceed partner Sarah.
Sarah: nice to meet you.
Taehyung: the cat just talked!! I want a talking pet ( he said whining)
Namjoon (facepalm) : not now Taehyung.
Yoongi (turning talking to Y/N) : you're a dragon slayer, that magic is rare. I haven't even seen one myself in real life.
Y/N: actually there are 4 dragon slayers in the guild.
Bts: what?!
Y/N: yeah, natsu who you met a fire dragon slayer, Gajeel the iron dragon slayer, Wendy a little girl who's a sky dragon slayer and me the sea dragon slayer.
Bts were all shook and no one spoke.
Just then master came back in the guild with a really worried face and said
Makarov: my dear children I have some bad news. War is going on in the continent of the Macross Field and we are all recruited to go. There's a big reward to it. Those who doesn't want to come are not forced to.
That's when I knew that a new adventure was about to start and maybe a dangerous one.

To be continued

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