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Falling Asleep On a Stranger

I was slightly tipsy and wandered around the huge house, stumbling every once in a while. The house was crowded with drunk people swaying to the slow beat of the music and I was slowly becoming irritated. Camila and Mitchel were nowhere to be seen, probably in his room fucking considering this was his house. I wasn't surprised that I was ditched, but I was annoyed because Camila had 'pinky promised' me to not leave my side. Bullshit, I thought to myself and rolled my eyes at the thought. I sighed and went into the kitchen and looked for a drink, which was hard to do since it was all alcohol. I wanted water, so I looked through the cabinets for cups and when I did, I filled it to the rim with ice cold water from the fridge. Once I downed that, I grabbed a bottle of tequila that was halfway finished and bag of regular cheetos and went outside to get away from everything. 

I know, I probably sound lame and boring as fuck, but I knew no one here and the people that I did know had long ditched me. I uncapped the bottle of tequila and took a swig of it, letting it burn its way down my throat. The alcohol made my heartbeat pickup a little and then a wave of relaxation washed over me. I felt warm in contrast to the biting cold air that surrounded me and took a handful of Cheetos to my mouth. I munched on the incredibly cheesy snack and scrolled through my phone, not even bothering to text to Camila to let her know where I was. If she really wanted to know, she would call  I thought to myself feeling a bit petty.

I wouldn't have noticed someone coming in if it weren't for the music drastically going up in volume and then getting muffled once again when the door closed. That caught my attention and noticed that a man had walked in. He hadn't noticed me yet considering his eyes were glued to the glowing screen in his hand. The other hand held a bottle of something and took a swig of it, still not noticing that I was here too. It was pretty dark outside, the dim lights from the inside of the house and the moonlight being my only source of light and I could barely make out his face.

I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have noticed me if it weren't from the ding that came from my phone. His head snapped up, looking around for the source of the noise until his eyes landed on me. "Sorry, I didn't know someone was here." He had a lisp that I found cute mixed in with his accent. Australian, I thought, it sounded similar to Mitchel's. That's when everything clicked. He  was either Christian, the long time friend. Or Clinton, Mitchel's older brother. I wasn't sure considering I never met either one, only seen some pictures here and there. Camila had been trying to set me up with Clinton for a while now, claiming that "You both are so lonely, you need some sort of companionship". Camila knew that I despised being set up and would much rather find love in a more organic way, than in a fabricated way.

"It's okay." I smiled, even though he couldn't really see it.

"Are you enjoying the party?" He asked, trying to not let awkwardness seep through.

"Would I be out here with a bottle of tequila and chips if I were?" I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

I heard him let out a small laugh before he continued, "Touché. Mind if I sit?" He asked, pointing to the swing that I was sitting on.

"Not at all." I scooted over to make some room for him and felt the swing dip a bit.

"I'm Clinton, by the way." He stuck his hand out to me and I shook it, introducing myself in the process. So this is Clinton.

"Luna, nice to meet you." Through the dim light, I saw his eyes widen a little and a wave of realization hit him.

"Wait, Luna? The girl-" 

"The girl that Camila has been trying to set you up with? Yeah, that would be me." I nervously laughed, wondering what he thought of me now that I was right in front of him. I wanted to see more of him, the lighting not working in my favor. From the dimness, I could see his structured face, somewhat similar to Mitchel's, and stray long curls around his face. I also noticed some facial hair around his jawline, something that I wasn't completely into but he was definitely an exception. From what I could see, he seemed incredibly attractive and I am attracted to him.

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