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Anthony's Charm

"Cuumbiaa Luuneeraa!!" yelled out a male voice, waking me up from my peaceful slumber. I recognized that nickname and voice all too well. It was my one of my older brothers, Anthony, yelling out my nickname that only he uses. He got it from a song that our dad played (and still plays) called Cumbia Lunera. I don't hate it per se, but let's just say that he's the only one allowed to call me that. I let out a sigh, my eyes still closed. All of a sudden, I felt my head rise and fall in a steady rhythm. I was a bit freaked out and was about to open my eyes to see what it was when Anthony yelled. "Who the hell is this?!" His voice went from normal and playful, to anry and deep.

My eyes shot wide open and turned my head, seeing Clinton turned facing his arm that rested over his head and one arm wrapped around me. He stirred a little due to the commotion, but went back to sleep. "Would you mind explaining who the fuck this is, Luna?" Anthony asked still angry, but trying to keep his cool.

"Okay, before you think the worse, nothing happened." I knew my brother and how protective he is. I knew what ran through his mind, thinking that I slept with him. I mean I technically did, but not in the way he thought. Clinton stirred once more, but this time, he opened his eyes. His eyes in this angle were so pretty; they were a light brown and you could definitely get lost in them.

"Then what the fuck happened, Luna? Please explain." Anthony was irritated, I could tell by the way he crossed his arms and tapped his foot. Clinton's eyes went from sleepy to completely alert, sitting up but still holding on to me.

"What's going on? Why are you yelling?" His voice was raspy, and I couldn't relish in how hot it sounded due to my brother's overprotective interrogation. Clinton turned his head to the yelling and had a confused expression seeing a tall male in the middle of the living room. "Is this your boyfriend?" Clinton made a disgusted look at me, slightly pushing me off of him. It hurt, but I understand where he was coming from.

"NO!" I yelled as soon as those words left his mouth. He was taken back by this, not expecting me to yell at him. I let out a sigh before continuing, "Clinton, this is my one of my older brothers Anthony. Anthony, this is Clinton my friend?" This came out more as a question than a statement since I had no idea what we were, we just met last night. "He is Mitchel's brother..." I further explained since he had already met Mitchel in the past.

"Ohhh, sorry about that man. Seeing my little sister with some dude brings out the overprotective out of me. Out of all of us, really." I rolled my eyes at him, annoyed that he always had to pull this shit when he saw me around a boy.

The day he met Mitchel, he almost beat him up. Mitchel had arrived no more than minutes before Anthony, waiting for Camila to come home from work so they could go on their date. I let Mitchel stay in the living room and watch T.V while I watched a movie in my room. I had my earbuds on when I heard yelling. I knew it couldn't be Camila because her voice was not deep, so I went to investigate.

When I opened the door, I saw Anthony hunched over yelling at Mitchel. Mitchel, on the other hand, was terrified looking up at him with wide eyes. I couldn't blame him, considering Anthony was really tall and had a more muscular built and both sleeves tatted. I had to get in the middle and push Anthony away so he wouldn't hurt Mitchel and explain who he was and why he was here. Anthony calmed down and immediately struck a conversation with Mitchel, acting like nothing happened.

"It's cool, I understand. It was probably weird seeing some random guy next to your sister." Clinton smiled, brushing off the verbal altercation. I never understood how people fell for Anthony's charm, just how both Mitchel and Clinton have.

"What do you want, Anthony?" I asked him, slightly annoyed.

"Just decided to come by and visit my favorite little sister." he smiled widely, showing off his bright and straight teeth. He ruffled my already messy hair, knowing that it annoys me.

"I'm your only sister, and you could have visited either one of the twins. They don't live that far." I rolled my eyes.

"'Not that far', really? David lives all the way in San Francisco and Julian lives in San Bernardino." I lowered my eyes at him when he mentioned Julian.

"You live in Redlands, fifteen minutes away from Julian. You drove from Redlands to L.A, that's an hour you idiot." I caught a glimpse of Clinton and instead of seeing him be uncomfortable, he was amused by our bickering.

"I also came to see dad, he called to ask if I could help him with painting the house." I nodded, remembering the conversation dad and I had. I had helped him with the inside, but wouldn't let me help him with the outside.

"Shouldn't you be heading over there? That way you guys can start early?" I was trying to kick him out without being direct. I love my brother, I really do, but he was too much sometimes.

"Hmm, yeah you're right. I don't know how long it'll take us, but I'll call to let you know I'm leaving or for anything else. If I don't, I'll see you next week." He walked closer to me and I stood to give him a hug.

"Next week?! What's next week?" I couldn't remember making plans with him for next week.

"Christmas, mensa. Did you forget?" I let out a shy smile, nodding.

"Yeah, I've been caught up with school." He nodded in understanding and let me go completely.

"Makes sense. Okay well, I'm off. And you, hurt her and I'll beat your ass." Anthony warned, lowering his eyes at Clinton.

"Anthony!" I yelled at him sternly, giving him a glare.

His expression soften a little and smiled, "I'm just kidding... Kind of." I rolled my eyes and watched him leave.

"School?" Clinton asked, his eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

"Yeah, I'm a high school teacher. Not a student, even though I sometimes look like them." I chuckled at the last part. He visibly relaxed at the mention of me being a teacher and not a student.

"How old are you?" I giggled a little, already thinking about his idea of a high school teacher.

"I'm twenty-three.  What? Did you think a high school teacher is supposed to be old and lame?" I teased.

"No..." He blushed, giving away that he was.

I laughed, "I mean you're right about the lame part. All I do is lock myself in my room and grade papers, or make lesson plans. But not old, definitely not old. How old are you?"

"Twenty-five, not that old." He shrugged.

"Mmm, that's old." I shoved him playfully.

"Whatever, it's not though." I shrugged with a smile. "I gotta get going, the guys are probably wondering where I am." I nodded and watched him stand up and get his shoes. I forgot I was still wearing his jacket until I looked down. I took it off and held it out for him. "Oh, thank you." He put it on and grabbed his keys that were still on the coffee table.

"I'll see you around." I said to him, walking him out.

"Yeah, see ya." The rest of the day was once again spent with my locked in my room grading, this time a little faster and with a smile on my face.

Hi, I forgot to update and homegirl's been busy.

So enjoy, comment and vote!!!

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