Chapter 14- I don't hate you

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Author's Note: Surprised!!! I am!! I updated this chapter in two days since the last! *tears of happiness* And for that, you gotta follow me on Instagram. My handle is - krishvipriya. I often add trivia and sneak peek on my Insta account. XD Enjoy the story. Don't forget to vote, comment and share!!!


21st July

Moving across the kitchen, Priyasha reached the microwave and put the bowl with the cake batter inside it. She had long wanted to try this recipe of Dark Chocolate cake, and today was a favorable circumstance and there's a good reason to bake a cake. It was Abhiraj's Birthday. However, he seemed not to be aware of the fact that she had trespassed in his territory and known something that he would not have wanted her to know. But she did anyway and after she got to know all of that, she decided to break his façade which was creating disturbances in her life and she didn't know how many more lives!

Although she was still worried about the whole Vishwa situation and Abhiraj's involvement with him, since last night it seemed not to concern her that much. It was very much unreasonable, and she was feeling restless because of it. Meanwhile, the news of Kaushik's health was also nagging at the back of her mind. Also, she had decided to relocate to Hyderabad, and all of those lined up complications of her life had her pondering on her success rate.

She set the timer and waited while sipping on her sugarless black tea. She had been gaining weight and now was determined to cut off sugar from her diet.

It was Saturday and her watch told it was 8:35 am. Last night when she came down from the terrace and brought the old photograph with her, she didn't see Abhiraj in the living room or hallway. In fact, she didn't want him to be there. She could not have answered any of his inquiries if he had seen that photograph in her hand.

She had to prepare a special plan for that.

Her phone buzzed, and she noticed a new notification from Instagram. One of those instagrammer whom she followed, had uploaded a photo of him with a scenic background. She double tapped the photo and scrolled down eyeing through the other posts.

Social networking sites, to be precise, waste more time than they make people utilize it.

Actually, there's a trick of how social media work. It either can consume a huge portion of your time or it can be a beneficial deal for you. If you don't get addicted to the social media and make use of it to grow, then only it is helpful. Otherwise, you'll end up doom-scrolling hours after hours, and forget about your real-life. But often people ignore the opportunities and keep their focus centered on entertainment only, that's where addiction comes and it doesn't go away easily.

In fact, social medias were designed this way so that it provokes releasing dopamine or the happy hormone. So that you feel elated watching others' lives while the time spent there could've been the potential time for you to grow and have a return thereafter.

We basically need to learn one thing foremost. Balancing our time. How we utilize our time? How much time we spend on them? Why do we spend time on them? These are some major questions we must ask ourselves before we could turn the 'only-entertainment' into 'a-lot-of-opportunities'.

"Priyasha, come outside. We have guests."

She looked up at the doorway and noticed Abhiraj's freshly bathed frame leaning on the door. He tilted his head and gestured her to go along with him. She shifted her gaze from him and to the microwave. Still six minutes to go.

"I'm coming in five minutes," she said not wanting him to know what exactly she was doing.

"Okay." Abhiraj didn't insist and left.

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