Key To My Twisted Mind

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"If I were to write a song about you, what do you think it'd be titled?" Oli asked me late one night. We were lying on the couch, the television displaying some carpet cleaner commercial. I shrugged.

"It definitely wouldn't be called 'Holly', because a song named after a girl is cliche as hell, and you're anything but cliche. So, maybe 'Poison', cause you think love or any kind of feeling is bad. I dunno." I replied with a small smile. He laughed at my horrible response.

"What about 'No Need For Introductions, I've Read About You On The Back Of Toilet Doors'?" He asked. "But I'd mean it in a nice way."

"First off, that title is too long, second, how the hell can that be in a nice way?" I looked over at him. I could see his tattoos running along his arms as they wrapped around me.

"You're the kind of girl to break someone's heart but leave them just wanting you back." He leaned down and kissed my cheek lightly. "Not all girls talked about on toilet doors are trashy."

"Still, I'd rather a song called, I dunno, something sweet, maybe even a song no one but you and I ever hear." I suggested, lightly kissing him. "A song written for me doesn't have to be heard by the whole world. I'd appreciate just hearing it once even."

"Sometimes I hate how wonderful you are."

"Well thanks, dick-wad, I honestly am feeling your true feelings here."

"Good, so I can add to them. I feel like you're on this whole other planet sometimes, but at the same time, on the same planet as me. I kind of hate that too, because my world is a tad twisted and dark, and you don't deserve that, but then, you claim we're partners in crime. I like that notion. You're the first girl I've met who doesn't want to be treated like a princess. I like that so much, and I-I just, fuck. Then you think and believe some things, for example, you don't like to read books about terrible things, but I'm just all about terrible things. I worry that you don't really like me but pity me." He sighed. "Please do tell me you truly like me, because I think my heart would literally shatter into millions of unfix-able pieces if you don't like me. I care far too much about you and I hate that I do, but I really only want to be closer to you. It's like my mind is pulling itself apart with it's decision on what to feel about you. On one hand I can't get enough of you and I like the witty banter we have, but on the other hand, I want to despise you and dispel you from my life. I just want to shout your name out the night sky, because your name alone is the most beautiful song ever written."

I stared at him, completely abandoning watching whatever show had been on that late at night. He didn't say anything else, and I didn't even know where to begin. I loved when Oli word vomited like that, it helped me to see what he thought about most often, what he was feeling. It was like he was handing me a key into his mind for me to sift through. He was biting his bottom lip nervously, awaiting my carefully chosen words.

"I like you. I like you a lot, probably as much as you like me."

"Not possible."

"We can argue about this, but not now. I'm glad that you like to see us as a team rather than yourself below me. I also like how you can tell me things like that. My mind isn't pulling itself apart about you, because I've already decided I like you. I want to be as close to you as possible, because you mean a lot to me. A-And, I'm not as good as you are with words, so I can't speak novels to you, telling you how I feel about you, but just know, I do care about you and I do like you, even if I may ever act like I don't." I smiled up at him, and he smiled back, the smile reaching his eyes and making them a smidgen brighter in the dark room. "C'mon." I pulled him up from the couch and he laughed.

"Where are we going?" He asked me. I shrugged. "Holly?"

"You said you wanted to shout my name out to the night sky, let's go."

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