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Tyler had just put the final dot on his test when he heard a sigh coming from his neighbor's mouth. Raising his head and massaging his sore neck, he lightly shifted on his seat to glance at his best friend sitting next to him in the amphitheater. Josh was frowning, bent over his sheet, staring at the paper as if hoping the answers would come to him if he looked long enough.

Tyler looked around him, hesitating. Some other students, like him, were already done with the test, re-reading their notes, making sure they hadn't missed a question or two, but most of them were still writing furiously or, in Josh's case, trying to come up with words that would make enough sense to get at least a B, chewing on his pencil like he would a lollipop. Tyler sighed, glanced at the professor who was scrolling aimlessly on his phone, then swiftly kicked Josh's bag to grab his attention.

When the red-haired boy looked up, Tyler did what he swore he would never do. Instantly, a smile appeared on Josh's face, and the boy looked back down and started writing. He didn't stop until his sheet was filled with his chicken scratch. When the professor stood up from his chair and announced that time was over, Josh had just dropped his pencil, looking at his work with admiration.

"Thanks," he whispered as the whole amphitheater headed for the doors. Tyler said nothing, slowly retrieving his backpack from underneath the table and shoving his pencil inside. He'd have trouble finding it again for the next class, he knew it, but for now, he just couldn't care less. He walked down a few steps then turned around, looking at his best friend exchanging a few friendly words with another person. Tyler's smile faltered. His relationship with Josh had changed a lot, there was no denying it. They weren't as close as they were in high school, didn't share most of their classes, didn't even spent that much time together anymore... but they still had that bond, and that was something Tyler didn't want to let go. He needed it. He hoped Josh did too. Was he a fool to have helped him cheat on the test? Maybe. Would he do it again? His mind said no, but his heart...

"Ty?" The boy looked up, realizing him and Josh were now the only people left in the building. He shook his head – he must have been caught up in his own thoughts – and forced a smile, following Josh towards the exit.

"Hey, I'm sorry," Josh told him as he raised a hand towards his face, the sunlight blinding his sight. "I know I didn't deserve your help on this." Tyler shrugged. "But I'll make it up to you, ok? Thanks for being such a good friend."

As they walked side by side across campus, Tyler said nothing. He wondered how exactly Josh would make it up, but quickly brushed that thought away. He didn't need to go too deep into this right now, otherwise he knew his heart would crack and he'd start crying. Tyler was overly sensitive these days.

"Have you been talking to Debby lately?" he asked, purposefully trying to change the subject.

"Kind of," Josh said, a little smile creeping up on his face. "We text sometimes. She loves Berkeley, but she definitely doesn't want to live in California forever. She might come back here after she gets her degree." Tyler nodded, not failing to notice how Josh's features always brightened when they talked about his ex-girlfriend. He wondered briefly if these two might start up a romantic relationship again, and was slowly convincing himself that it might work when Josh spoke again. "Hey, what are you doing right now? Maybe we could go grab a milkshake at Benny's or something? It's been forever..."

Tyler's heart swelled, threatening to burst, and a warm feeling spread into his chest. It had been more than a year, indeed, since the last time they did that. Tyler remembered it very well, as it was his birthday then. It was freshman year, and the boy had skipped basketball practice just so he could spend time with his best friend. It was the first time he had ever skipped basketball, but not the last, and though he didn't regret it now, Tyler wondered if things would be the same if he hadn't. The size of his heart went back to normal, shrunk a little more. "I can't," he said with a sad smile. "I've got my creative writing class in five minutes..."

"Oh..." was all Josh could say, and the boys stopped at the intersection, both knowing that their paths were changing.

"We could get lunch, maybe?" Tyler tried hopefully, but he knew soon enough that that wouldn't work either.

"I can't, I promised Mara I'd show her around campus and everything..."

"Who's..." Tyler started, but as his eyes crossed Josh's, his mind was filled with images of a dark-haired girl with red lipstick. "Oh, the new girl?"

"Yeah... I promised her-"

"I understand, Josh." And he did. He really did. But still it hurt.

"Dinner? It's Friday, there might be good deals around campus."

"Can't. It's my mom's birthday, she's making dinner for the whole family tonight."

Josh sighed, and the silence that followed was deafening. Tyler was thrilled at the fact that they were trying, but the universe seemed to have other plans for them, and the boy was too tired to fight.

"I'll call you over the weekend," Josh said. "I'm at my dad's, but I'll call you, and we'll plan something for next week, ok?"

"Next week, yeah."

And with a last wave goodbye, Josh turned left, and Tyler turned right. He was exhausted.


It's been a while, hasn't it? I hope those of you who liked Empathy will love this book just as much. I know I'm really attached to the world I've created for these Tyler and Josh, and I absolutely love writing this! 

What do you think caused this breach in the boys' relationship? How do you think they'll fix it?

And mostly, how do you like the story so far?

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