Lucas x reader [PREVIEW]

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History. One of the classes you excel in. excelled in all. But it was a favorite. Your professor told you that there was a few copies of the book she wanted you to read. You knew exactly where it was.

Five fast minutes pass and so did the same dude six times. What was his name again? Lucas? Ah yes, Lucas.

He was quite a guy. He was smart but he also liked to fool around with people. He'd always flirt with girls to made them fall flat and die with hearts in their eyes.

Not you. You haven't had the slightest attraction to him. Sure, he's handsome but there are more important things on your plate. You weren't exactly ready to go out on dates.

In the corner of your eye, you see Lucas leaning on a shelf, head seeming to follow you that also contained a face with a smug look.

You stopped at the shelf the book was located on and turned to it with a wide smile. While reaching for it you see a large hand swoop it off the shelf.

You gasped and hung your mouth open, turning to the person who did such a rude act...

More to come - Pakoussa

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