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That title will make since if you're reading my main story that all these lovely people come from also you can ask about stuff that's happening in le story so yeah TO LE DARES FROM @espeon_the_dragon everyone has to kiss someone other than who they are with.

Brice: *under le breath* better prepare my chainsaw because someone's gonna die

Beka: she also says no flaming chainsaws brice

Brice: *still under le breath* d&mmit.

Beka: anywho to le thing that I shall exclude myself from bc insane IRL friend or no Enderlox is still gonna kill whoever I'd end up with. ANYWHO, *writes everyone excluding herself and Enderlox's names down on a slip of paper and puts in randomly appearing top hat* everyone pick one slip of paper okeype y'all

Adam: *picks name* *reads name* fack IM TO YOUNG TO DIE

Beka: *levitates up and peers over shoulder* bro you screwed fluffy gonn' kill you

Adam: umm YEAH HELP!

Beka: ooh I have idea *makes small hole and spawns lava in le hole* *pulls out Jerome's Betty* *holds over lava* fluffy see dis?

Fluffy: BETTY yus.?

Beka: if you make problem bc this dare INTO THE LAVA ITLL GO!

Fluffy: okeyp I'll be good boy/fluffy/bacca

Beka: ok Adam it's safe to do le dare

Adam: I hate this dare

Mitch: as do I.

Adam: anyway.... ugh.... I donz like dis... *gives quick peck on cheek* YAY I DONZ HAVE TO KISS ANYONE OTHER THAN MY BEAUTIFUL TY! YAAAY

Beka: weeeeelll technically if someone draws your na-

Adam: DAMM!T!!!!!!!!


Ty:damm!t. ugh *picks name* welp brotato's gonna kill me

Jason: damm!t

Ty: ummmm *awkward cheek kiss* hey I'm not dead?!?!😸

Beka: probably since le threat of bringing in my insane irl friend still hangs

Ty: yeah that makes more since

~timeskip of awkward cheek kisses to end~

Everyone involved: welp dat was awkward

Beka and dats a wrap for today remember to leave a vote and comment your QUESTIONS and dares. Remember you can ask us stuff about ANYTHING. current events in this thing and the story me and all these lovely people come from, stuff about our selves, ANYTHING! anywho BAAAAAAI

Chatroom/ask/truth/dare with tc YAYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora