Prologue part two

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Eight years ago(Chara's POV)
I screamed for help, but nobody came. Calam, Alex and Dec were hitting me. Calam said," Nobody coming for you, nobody is going to care if you are missing, bitch". Suddenly, Y/N  ran towards Calam, and punch him right into his face, and broke his nose. Y/N often came to my rescue and would take the abuse and beatings for me. Calam dropped me and I ran into the bushes and watched the fight, Y/N dodging and parrying hits. But Alex got lucky and hit Y/N chest, causing him to fall on his back. Calum picked him up, and dropped Y/N down the hole. My heart just stopped for a second as I saw what just happened. I ran home, but the bullies saw me.

When I got home, my father was drunk, so I sneaked up to my room to cry, but I saw the bullies waiting outside my house. I laid down on my bed, and cried my heart out for Y/N, who had no living family. Every thing was too much. I ran to the Kitchen, and got all the Sharp knives, and but them in my pockets, and sneaked out side round the back so Alex couldn't see more. I went behind them were they heard me, and I ran to the hedge maze, to wear there was a junction. The bullies spread out, and I smiled. I went behind Alex and stabbed him in the back, and he screamed in pain, were he slowly died. Dec ran towards him were I threw a knife at his heart. Calum came and I threw a knife into his knee cap. He fell on the ground and I tortured him, until he died, I went home, and killed my abusive father, and went to sleep. But the killing never took the pain away.
Over 300 words.
I am sorry I had a longer prologue for Chara, but it was necessary. As this will explain some of Chara's behaviour in the story. Enjoy the Chapters.

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