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They stood there in an area nor Gamora or Peter was quite sure what it was exactly. They had been holding each other for what seems like a forever, to be honest Peter didn't want to let her go, he felt like she disappear and he'd be stomped into the sadness all over again. They, more like him felt that this new sense of them together was paper thin, maybe even imaginary.

"You are real right? I'm not imagining you out of sadness again?" Peter broke the silence.

Gamora rose her head from underneath Peter's chin "Again? You did that?" He looked him into the eyes, feeling like she was going to start tearing up, she didn't want to imagine what he went through when he found out about her, she never wanted to think of Peter suffering.

Peter looked pasted her, "Ya, in a sense I spent a good amount of time in our room, and started, seeing things... you. I missed you, I couldn't take the fact that it was my fault." Gamora backed up form Peter and cupped his face. Tears in her eyes, she looked into his eyes trying her best to make this as calm and as reasonable as possible. "Peter Jason Quill, It was not your fault. What happened to me, out there it was not your fault. It was Thanos, he was the one with the plan you didn't know what I knew, you did your best." Her voice cracked. "And I love you for doing what you did, Peter."

"I almost killed you." He pulled her in to his chest.

"Because I asked you"

"Because I love you."

They stayed embraced for what seemed like hours, but no one wanted to pull away.

"Who else.. turned into dust?"

Peter looked at Gamora's hand tracing her ring finger. "Mantis, Drax, and i'm not sure who else, I went right after Drax." He whispered.

Peter had just finished telling her what had happened,

"What about Rocket?"

"I'm not sure."

"Groot?" She started crying again, her little sapling.

Peter held her hand, "I'm not sure either Gamora. But I think their alive! Right? I mean where here!" He said trying to cheer her up.

"Mantis and Drax aren't." Gamora muttered.

Peter sighed.

"Mora, I know what we've gone through these days, or day I don't know I know it hasn't been easy I know we've lost, we've lost each other, and everyone we've seemed to love. But we have each other! In this shitty golden place that we don't even know what it is exactly. I have you, I have my sweet pea back." He grabbed her face and she had a small smile.

"I told you that I'd find the way to make sweet pea work." He smiled at her.

"I'm glad you did."

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