10. Promise me

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Benito's POV.

The last two weeks have been the most stressful of all the 22 years I've been alive.

Trying to run the gang and protect Hazel from this life of mine hasn't been the easiest. But fuck does that girl mess with my emotions like no other, there's just something about her that I can't seem to get her out of my head. She invades my every thought.

2 months. 2 months of self control, of trying to get the sexy, innocent girl from the picture out of my mind. It was just a picture, but somehow it had some deep hold on me.

I tried everything. Drinking to blur her out of my mind, fucking the gang groupies, and even getting into a few meaningless fights to feel some type of pain. I thought it was working, but that night when she stumbled into the woods behind Michelle's house party, all the process I had made vanished.

She was much more beautiful in person. I knew I had to have her.

She was all mine way before she knew it.

There was something about her smart mouth and her innocence that made me more intrigued. I was hypnotized by her without her even trying. She wasn't afraid of me and I fucking loved that.

I was a selfish bastard and I wasn't going to let anyone else have her. Never.

It has been 10 minutes since I left her house. I needed to deal with business before I went back to her. I've been neglecting the gang and I wasn't acting like a leader much.

"Milagro que estas solo." Noriel commented as I stepped into the gang house.

Not replying, I flip him off and walk straight into the kitchen.

"ay wuey, Brytiago found out where Kyle has the shipment." Mikey came into the kitchen, stopping close to me. "It's your call what you want to do next."

I run my hand over my face, relief running through me.

"Tienes la direccion exacta?" I ask, opening the fridge and popping open a beer.

"yeah, it's in an abandoned warehouse in Fairfax." He says, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'd suggest we get a move on though, because it seems like no one is there at the moment."

I put the beer down quickly, not wanting alcohol to ruin my state right now.

"Then let's fucking go, we can't be wasting what little time we have!" I practically yell.


in less than 2 minutes, I had the whole gang round up and on our way to location. I wasn't going to let that fucker ruin this for me. Stealing a shipment was one thing, but putting Hazel in danger in the process was a whole different story. No one was going to put a finger on her as long as I lived. Especially if that someone was Ricardo Martinez.

"Nicky's on his way there." Noriel said, driving us there with Miky and Brytiago following behind.

Within 15 minutes we were parking a little bit far from the entrance, trying not to attract attention to the 2 black Infiniti g35's. I climb out of the car, the guys in toll. I reach for my gun, gripping it in my hands, ready for anything to come my way.

"Shoot anything that moves!" I harshly whisper at the boys as we get closer to the entrance of the warehouse. "Noriel ven conmigo, Miky stay with Bry and go around the back!" we separate, taking quick steps but trying to be quiet as we reach the door.

When we reach the doors, I see the big lock on the handles, making me curse out loud for not thinking to bring plyers.

"I got it!" Noriel says, taking plyers out of his black backpack. "I never leave the house without these babies." He says, positioning the tool over the chain and lock, breaking it open.

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