Chapter 7 - Part 1 - It's a date!

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June 18th 1971

‘W-w-would you maybe …’ John stuttered. He knew what he wanted to say, but he couldn’t say it. In his head, he had practiced it thoroughly over the past few days, even in front of the mirror, but now that Mary was looking at him in anticipation, with her big blue eyes, he couldn’t get the words across his lips.

As quickly as his opportunity had presented itself, it had disappeared again. Mary’s attention was drawn by a song on the radio. She grabbed a bright pink carnation and danced through the shop, her bright yellow summer dress whirled around her body. Meanwhile, John felt his courage being drained. The longer he watched Mary, the less sure he was that asking her out was the smart thing to do. What would she want with a guy like him? What did he have to offer her. He might even be out of a job in about a week, and even if he managed to survive this manipulative attempt of Decker, the company would probably still go under soon. Eventually, the song that had Mary dancing, ended, and visibly content, she turned down the radio. She triumphantly turned to John, who was still looking somewhat dazed.

She approached him so fast, that he was afraid she would knock him right over, but she stopped inches from his face. ‘Of course I’ll go out with you, John McKenzie.’ She kissed him on the cheek, after which she pushed the flower in his hands. ‘Tomorrow at seven!’ she exclaimed.

John could do nothing but watch and smile. Intensely happy, but utterly confused.


He was standing in front of the mirror, neatly combing his hear, but not before he had tied his bowtie for the sixth time. His date with Mary wouldn’t begin for another one and a half hours, but he had been ready to go for at least forty five minutes. John didn’t like to be late, and he had perfected the art of being on time. Of course that meant that he spent a large part of his life waiting, but he didn’t mind.

To him, it was essential to make a great impression today, so he was extra early, dapperly dressed and well-groomed. Hmmm, maybe comb my hair one more time, he thought. He never got around to it, because someone knocked on the door. Kind of annoyed that someone interrupted his preparation, he walked downstairs and opened the door.

‘Evan, what are you doing here?’

Evan looked concerned. ‘We need to talk.’

John nodded. ‘Ok, but if you don’t mind, not right now, I am about to …’

‘No,’ Evan said, as he pushed open the door in determination. ‘You have been avoiding me all week. Something is going on, I am not an idiot, and I want to know what it is.’

‘Evan…’ John hesitated, but Evan instantly interrupted him.

‘Are we friends?’

John was silent.

‘Are we friends?’ Evan repeated in an urgent tone.

‘Don’t be silly, you know we are!’

‘Great. Then let’s talk about this now.’ He knocked John aside with his shoulder and let himself in.

Ok, quick and painless then, John thought, while looking at his wrist watch. ‘Would you like to have some coffee?’ he asked reluctantly. He’d have to make it, and that would add another five minutes, plus the time it would take Evan to drink it.

‘No, I’d just like the truth,’ Evan replied. ‘What did Decker tell you and why are you hiding it from me?’

John offered Evan a chair and sat down at the other side of the table. ‘I simply don’t know what to say. I was waiting for the right moment, but apparently, that moment is now. The company is not doing so well.’

‘That’s hardly news.’

‘Worse than we thought.’

‘Are we being fired? Is that it?’ Evan suddenly asked with fear in his voice.

‘No!’ John quickly replied, ‘No, I would have told you if that were the case.

Or at least…well…it’s not that simple.’

‘John! Quit beating around the bush and tell me what’s going on. Be a man!’

He nodded and took a deep breath. ‘Before the end of the month, Decker will throw one of us out, and he refuses to say who it is going to be.’

‘What? He can’t do that!’

‘Of course he can,’ John answered annoyed. ‘It is his company, he can do whatever he wants. It exactly how he ruined his father’s business!’

Evan tapped his index finger against his upper lip, as he paced through the living room.

‘What are you thinking?’ John carefully asked.

‘What I’m thinking,’ he snapped back, ‘is that I don’t understand how you have been able to sleep during the past week, knowing what is about to happen to me.’

‘What do you mean, you?’ John replied indignantly. ‘One of us will get fired, the decision has not yet been made …’

‘Oh, screw you!’ Evan interrupted him. ‘Don’t be so naïve. He will kick one of us out, and he’s only telling you? Are you really that dense?’

Indignantly, John got up from his chair. ‘Don’t act like I take any pleasure in this. Decker is the jerk in this story, not me. This is exactly what he has been hoping for. I don’t wish to contribute to that. Whether I had told you or not, it doesn’t change the situation. It would have only led to us fighting.’

‘As if this benefits our friendship!’ Evan replied sarcastically

What followed was a minute long silence, with Evan still pacing through the living room, until he seemed to have calmed himself down. ‘Listen,’ he continued calmly. ‘I know you meant well, but you should have told me. It would have given me the opportunity to look for another job, to prepare my wife. This isn’t just about you. Or me. You can tell yourself whatever you want, but you’re not the one who is losing his job.’

John knew that it was the truth. ‘I’m sorry.’

Evan nodded, although John couldn’t tell by the look on his face whether he actually forgave him.

They both sat down at the table, staring at nothing, not saying a word. 

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