Dating Connor Would Include

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Dating C.K. would include:

Connor being a total sweetie on the inside

You learning how to fire most ranged weapons (bows&arrows/pistols)

Constant nature walks

Loving the outdoors

Staying up late watching horror movies

Him loving your natural look

And he loves when your hair is loose and undone

You both share a love of food

You both love American football

He's a little TOO patriotic...

He always texts you 

He never leaves you on read, or only sends back a "k"

He's a little freaky, if you know what I mean **le Lenny face**   ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

He gives you chocolate and leaves you alone when you're on your "Lady Days"

He is so caring


He is a bit like a teddy bear

When he fucks up, he always apologizes and makes up for it

He's a great guy

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