11 (Skeletal)

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I looked at the stars above in the sky as I stood outside Srikandi in my re- human form at midnight, holding a hot marrow bone that had a straw inserted into it, recalling the story that Chill had told us, especially the part about Mountain being a Loner and Chilly's advice to her.

"Maybe if I had been honest from the start, maybe I wouldn't be like this now," I mused softly.

"Honest about what?" I nearly jumped seeing Bloody pop up from behind me, a cup of hot tea in her hands.

"N-Nothing," I fibbed. Bloody frowned.

"You sure, Nade?" she asked. "You've been jittery since we got that message from Friendliness and especially since Kenny told us that story. Is...Is there something that you're hiding?"

"O-Of course not!" I yelped. "It's just that...well, all of this was so sudden and all that, so I'm kind of conflicted."

"...I guess I understand that part," Bloody sighed as she looked at the sky. "We were suddenly pulled into this destiny. Sometimes, I wonder, why us? But at the same time, this adventure had been quite amazing," A small sincere smile was on her face as she spoke. I was only silent.

"H-Hey, Bob-" I was suddenly cut off by my commdev ringing. I quickly scrambled to get it. I blinked as I looked at the caller. 'Bao En'.

"What's Bao En doing calling so late at night?" I frowned in confusion before picking up the call. "Hello?"

"Why, hello, is this Mountaineering?" an unfamiliar voice asked. I froze.

"It's Skeletal speaking. Who are you, why do you have Bao En's phone and what do you want with Mountaineering?" I coldly asked while pressing the Speeching* button, allowing Bloody to hear in.

"Well, it's nothing, really. All I want is Happiness' LD," I looked at Bloody in confusion upon hearing this.

"I'm sorry, but why do you want it?" I inquired.

"It's because that LD is very powerful. Once I have it, I'll be able to present it to Tadeoniu-さま(sama = Master {Japanese}) and he'll be more powerful," the voice replied. My eyes widened.

"T-Tadeoniu?" I stuttered.

"Yes. I am Anger, one of his soldiers," she introduced herself. "Now listen up. You will have to bring that LD to the Indomaret* in CBD at 1 am, or else I'll brainwash your 3 little friends."

"3?" I repeated. Suddenly, I heard 3 familiar voices struggling hard.

"Ryaku! Bao En! Cel!" I yelled.

"Well, tick-tock, Skeletal. If you can't get it there in time, then expect 3 more enemies," Anger laughed before the call ended.

"Hello. Hello!" I shouted as I looked at the ended call.

"What happened, Nade?" Bloody looked at me in worry.

"The CG Anger kidnapped Ryaku, Bao En and Cel!" I replied.

"What?!" her face paled even more than possible.

"She wants Happiness' LD at the Indomaret in CBD at 1 a.m. If not, Ryaku, Bao En, and Cel will be brainwashed!" I explained.

"Then we have to ask for it from Mona, don't we?" Bloody frowned. I shook my head.

"No. If the mastermind behind Tadeoniu gets their hands on it, they'll be unstoppable," I replied. "What I'm planning to do is to go there and stall before attacking and Purifying Anger."

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