34 (Tenade) + Epilogue

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It's finally over.

To be honest, most wars would end with casualties, like the First CG War. However, we managed to stop our war with singing and sympathizing, which proves that there is always an alternative route in life.

I honestly can't describe the feeling that I had as I watched my best friends hug Reaper. There was satisfaction, all right, and happiness that we had won.

However, a little part of me kinda feels guilty that Reaper wouldn't be able to see Skeletal ever again.

Eventually, I decided to approach her and hug her too, much to her shock. The others immediately backed away, knowing that it had to be private.

"Hey, don't cry, Reaper," I softly whispered. "Skeletal wouldn't want you to cry over this, now would she?"

Reaper slowly shook her head.

"Here," I took out an old LD from my pocket and gave it to her. Her eyes widened, immediately recognising it.

"I want you to have this, Reaper, so that you can always have something to commemorate your best friend by," I smiled at her.

She was speechless, looking at it and  grasping it tightly, before she hugged me, a pure smile on her face, "Thank you, Tenade. I'm so sorry for dragging you-no, everyone- into my grief."

"No worries, Reaper," I grinned.

Just then, a bright light surrounded the area that we were in, causing us to cover our eyes.

When the light dispersed, we saw her Highness with the Exercise Coaches in front of us.

Her Highness wore a long white dress that went down to her heels, a regal chess crown on her head, a pair of white high heels, and had short black hair, ink black eyes, plus lightly tanned skin, while the Exercise Coaches all wore the clothes that their respective ranks used, owning matching black eyes, choppy brown hair, and tanned skin.

"Y-Your Highness!" we all bowed towards her, including the LEs and Reaper. 

She smiled, "Hello everyone. First of all, I'm glad to see that our fellow minor gods have finally seen reason. It has been a while, Puppet, Atom, HIV."

"Hello, Chess Queen," the trio replied.

"Wait, hold on, you know her Highness?!" Friendliness looked shocked. The trio looked sheepish.

"Sorry that we kept it from you, Friendliness, but we're the leaders of our respective groups," Atom apologised before a flash of light appeared out of nowhere. When we recovered from it, the trio now had simple crowns on their heads.

"W-What?" all of us were speechless.

"All this time, I was the partner to a queen..." Ryaku muttered. 

"To think that you were a queen all this time..." Chilly shook her head in disbelief. " I should have gotten the hint when you mentioned leading the ChGs during the Minor God Fight."

"I am just stunned," Ceels admitted. Tadeoniu himself was evidently shocked.

"After the Minor God Fight, we ended up sneaking into the Human World to try to find out the truth behind that fateful day, but stumbled across Darktadeo, who managed to capture Puppet and I," HIV explained.

"I was really sad over learning the truth about our fight, so I chose a good place to cry my heart out. Luckily for me, Chilly popped up and helped me out of my sadness," Atom continued.

"Then Ceels and Ryaku helped HIV and I respectively, so we ultimately decided to help in the fight," Puppet finished.

"So that's the story..." Lizzy was nodding. "That makes sense."

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