Chapter 1

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I'm on my way back home.
It was such a stressful day and I just want to sleep, but I still got 1 hour to drive.
At night...
I hate to drive at night because you never know what can happen.
And not just that, I'm also very tired and can't really keep my eyes open.
'Just two seconds...'
I say to myself and slightly close my eyes.
But right after I closed them, I feel the car coming off the road.
I open my eyes widely, trying to bring the car back under my control!
But no chance, it turns fast and suddenly I hit my head against the window and loose consciousness..

"Kyungie~ it's time to wake up~", a male voice says very close to my ear.
My arms and legs hurt.
No.. my whole body hurts..
What's that on my lips?
I taste blood...
I open my eyes, but there's just darkness.
"Oh I'm sorry, let me help you..", the voice says and suddenly I see light.
My eyes need a little moment to get used to the light, but as soon as I can see, I want to be blind again..
I am tied up to a chair, a bright lamp shines over me but I'm in a dark room..
But that's not the scariest thing:
A young man stands in front of me.
Maybe one or two years older than me.
He has blonde hair and dark browm eyes...
He seems very strong.
He looks at me with his dark eyes, he smirks and says with a calm but scary voice:
"Did you sleep well?"
I just look at him, I'm scared.
I want to scream!
But as soon as I open my mouth, the man puts his hand on my mouth.
"Don't scream.. Nobody can hear you anyway..", he says and comes very close to me.
"Do you know why you're here?", he asks and I shake my head.
That's a good question, why am I here, not in the hospital?
Or dead...?
"It was like this... you had an accident and I saved you. Why? Because I was following you for a long time, Kyung. I'm so happy that I get the chance to talk to you alone.. You know.. I saw you in the park for the first time, I'm following you since this day, because I didn't get you out of my head. And now you're here, right in front of me and I can look at you. At your beautiful face.."
He puts his hand on my cheek, but that hurts.
As I wince, he says: "Oh I'm sorry... You still have some open wounds. But they aren't that bad so it's okay.."
I look at his hand, he has my blood on his fingers.
But it seems as he doesn't care.
I feel a little tear rolling down my cheek.
What will happen now?
Will I die here?
I close my eyes, I don't want to look at him.
Suddenly he strokes the tear off my cheek and whispers: "Kyung please don't cry... We will have a great time together, I promise. You can't undo the last few hours but you can make good memories here! And you can ask me everything you're curious about, okay?"
I nodd, I really can't escape from here so I'll do everything to not beeing hurt anymore..
"What's your name?", I ask. My first words since I woke up.
"Oh didn't I mention my name? I'm sorry... My name is Ji Ho, but please call me Zico, I prefer that name.", he says and smiles...

But I don't have any reason to smile...
Why should I...?

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