Chapter 3- Age 7, with Kimi-niichan

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+Freaking+ will be cursing okay?!

Kinako's POV

From Daddy's mind of why he fled the Akatsuki, Ita-niichan was going up the steps with 'Daddy' when they went up the step. Daddy was preoccupied with another nin that they were making money of and he didn't notice that the ninja has an accomplace? accomplice~! 

Yeah, the ninja's accomplice had henged into Daddy and he also have a contract similar to Daddy and my contract. The ninja's accomplice's ninja's name is Henkan no senmonka (Transformation Expert). Nobody really knows his name because he didn't born in any of the country at all!!

Daddy overheard of their conversation and immediately flew out of the base with me. I feel poor for Daddy, I pray for him to have a good luck. 

Oh yeah!! Daddy told me that he is going to train me and also meet the Sound four... Or I think 6 because that is what he said. Oh!! Along with someone name Kin, Dosu and Zaku!!

I was playing outside of the base, playing with snow. It was snowing outside!! I made snowman, snowangel, I also made Kabu-niichan play with me!!! We played snow ball fight.

We went back inside and warmed ourselves with a Hot cocoa and marshmallow. I fell asleep and soon the next day went by quickly. When I woke up, Daddy was in front of me. He will show his ninjas to me!!

I held Daddy's hand as we walked to the hallways.I looked out the window to see it snowing. We stopped at a door and he pushed it open. All of the ninjas who saw him immediately bowed down.... because of fear? No!! Daddy would never do that! I read his mind that he saw these people suffering and he put a curse mark on them so they could advance more quickly and so they would be saved. 

"Everyone, meet my Daughter. Kinako" He said and I peeked out from his robe and smiled whilst still clutching his robe

"Hello!!" I said

"Kina-chan, this is Tayuya, Kimimarō, Kidōmaru ,Jirōbō, Sakon and Ukon, Kinuta Dosu, Abumi Zaku and Tsuchi Kin" Daddy said 

"Hello Tayu-neechan, Kimi-niichan, Kidō-niichan Jirō-niichan, Sacchi, Ucchi, Dosu-niichan, Zaku-niichan, Kin-neechan!" I said

I read the others mind. Dosu-niichan and Kimi-niichan just thought nothing and muttered hello

Tayu-neechan, Jirō-niichan, Zaku-niichan and Kin-neechan thought 'Cute!'.... I am not cute-pouts-

Sacchi and ucchi thought' Why doesn't she call us niichan!-sob-' I sweatdropped

And finally, Kidō-niichan just smirked...

After Daddy left, I was left with the others. They played with me and also trained me a bit.They also told me what they do!. I had to the the wall exercise.... the wall broke several times.... but I finally did it and went to the ceilings!!!

"Yay!!!" I cheered and drop down then triple turned and landed softly on my feet. I saw the others in the position  of catching me and I smiled.'They care about me!!' (A/N: um.... it might be because of Orochimaru)

"Did you know that Jesus is a ninja?!?!" I asked randomly and they frowned

"I've read of Jesus but no, how is he a ninja" Jirō-niichan asked

"Well, think about it. He walks on water, like ninja's walk on water training exercise. He heals the sick, like medic nins. And finally, he wears sandals, it shows in every picture that he is in!!" I said and they all except Dosu-niichan because he wears a mask and Kimi-niichan because he is too awesome for that, gasp

"You' re +freaking+ right!!" Tayu-neechan said then I tilted my head. I know that I am advanced but I have to ask

"Tayu-neechan? What is +freaking+?" I asked

"No!!" Zaku-niichan shouted

"Just forget what she said!!" Jirō-niichan said, waving his hand in front of my face

"yeah!! It's just a word she made up!!" Kidō-niichan said

"Okay!! Being weird is good right? It doesn't matter what you look like unless the inside of you is good" I used my Yoda voice

"Inside? How can I see inside?" Kidō-niichan muttered and Kimi-niichan made his bone pop out and tried to examine it

"No!! I meant your personality!!! It doesn't matter if you are rude!! It just matters if you are kind slash nice!!" I said while waving my hands up in the air.

The others 'oohhhhh'ed , Kimi-niichan just looked at me, and Dosu-niichan just slapped his face

"Dosu-niichan? Why did you slap your face?" I asked while tilting my head

"I do this because I feel incrediblely stupid" He muttered while dragging his face with his hand

"Why stupid?" I asked and he just shook his head. I got up and left to go to Daddy's lab. Sometimes, I just mix things up what smells good with the next. Like the peach smell is good with strawberry or melon smell. Daddy said that I shouldn't smell it but it smells. so.good!!

I mixed up apple and banana and the to the lab burst open

"So here you are" I heard Kimi-niichan's voice said

I shrieked and the test tube went flying out of my hand. I slowly turned when I heard a 'POOF!'

"Kimi-niichan!!!" I shouted and run to him. The cloth was in a heap and a boy who looked a year younger than me popped his head out of the hole and the sleeves are too long.

"Kimi.....niichan?" I asked and tilted my head. Kimi-niichan looked at me and looked back at himself

"DADDY!!" I screamed and daddy came flying in the door

"Iss something wrong Kina.... Did you play with my chemicals again?" He asked and I looked at the ground and shuffled my legs, at shame

"It's okay, just try and find a way to reverse this" He said and I nodded

I first went to my room because I don't like girly clothes and I buy lots of boy's clothes. I gave him a black sweater. I tied a red scarf around Kimi-niichan's neck and smiled!

"Yay! you look like me!!" I said and he nodded at me. I dragged him outside of the base to see him seeing the sky in awe

"snow..." He mumbled and I smiled

"Isn't it pretty? I want to have this pretty power" I said

Kimi-niichan looked at me and nodded. He squated down the floor and began gathering the snow. When he finally raised up, I thought Kimi-niichan was making snowman but he threw a snowball at me

"You're on Kimi-niichan!!" I said and we played snowball fight until we got bored of it and began making a huge snowman... It's around Daddy's size

We got back to my room to change clothes, I used a yukata and Kimi-niichan used his previous clothes... except its very big on him. We went to Daddy's lab. Before, I put the banana into the apple smelling chemical, so now I reverse it.

I threw it to Kimi-niichan


Kimi-niichan is back to his original size

I immediately glomped on his leg as I was too short

"I'm sorry Kimi-niichan!!!" I sobbed and he patted my head. I looked up and he smiled at me and I smiled back 

I fell asleep after that and the next morning, I woke up on my bed with Kimi-niichan sleeping next to me 

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