Damian's POV

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        It's dark but I know where I am. I'm back in the league of assassins base, my first home but why is it so empty and quiet?  Wind blows through the windows of the empty building and a slow raspy whisper travels off the walls "daaamian". My whole body stiffens I know that voice but it's impossible he's suppose to be dead. "Daaamian." I hear it again the voice of my grandfather being carried by the wind. I can feel my eyes narrow as I make my way down the hall towards the voice. As I enter the empty room I see the glimmer of white from the corner of my eye. There on the balcony was a little girl in a white dress facing the night sky with her long dark wavy hair flowing behind her. "Do you know what his name means?" she asks still facing away from me staring at the moon. "Whose?" " Ra's. Al. Ghul." She said it slowly emphasizing every word but there was an anger a coldness to the way she said his name. " It means the head of the ghoul in other words the leader of demons," she said as she turned around looking right into my eyes. As I stared into her little face an anxious feeling overcame me I know that face I don't know how but I know it. All of a sudden all the windows in the room shatter scattering a million pieces of glass all over and I snap awake.

      It was a dream I thought as I settled back down against my pillow. I close my eyes again trying to go back to sleep but the little girls face flashes in my my mind again. Getting frustrated I toss off my cover and get ready to train. If you can't sleep train. I make my way down to the bat cave and find Night Wing sitting in front of the computer researching. " you're suppose to be sleeping," he says without even turning around. I smirk at the back of his head " oh come on Grayson you know I'm no good at taking orders especially from the likes of you." At that moment he turns around to send me one of his glares but then his glare becomes a smug grin and my smirk falters. " And that's exactly why you're here instead of with your team now isn't it." My face hardens and I can feel the heat in my chest building as my anger grows. " I will not apologize for saving a life even if you don't agree with the tactics that I used to do it," I bark back. His smile disappears and he sighs, turns back around, and says " I know." " Good I'm gonna go train."

Damian Wayne and the assasinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang