Amaya's Pov'

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     Contrary to everyone's beliefs not all members of the league of assassins are evil. My father, Aadeel, was not evil he wasn't good but he had humanity and he tried to teach his children to be the same. Don't  get me wrong he trained us to be just as merciless and cold as the rest but he also taught us to be able to tell who deserved our wrath and who didn't. Ra's al Ghul deserved all my hatred. As long as I can remember I have felt nothing but hatred for the man and his demented daughter Talia. When they died I felt the upmost joy and I know my father would have been disappointed if he was still alive but I wasn't as kind as him. I could not forgive as he could. The years of torture that talia put me through left only a hunger for revenge behind I don't regret any of my feelings towards her the only thing I regret is that it wasn't me who snapped her neck. With the al Ghul family gone a new era for the League of assassins has begun. My Eldest brother Kieran has taken the place of leader and he's trying the best he can to teach the people who have been taught to destroy humanity to save it but it's not an easy task. My other brother Clay is responsible for the money, investments, and trade that goes on with the league also not easy since Talia left a mess behind and that's where I come into place my job is to play damage control for everything the bitch fucked up.

     Right now I'm headed towards the base where she had researchers and scientists creating clones of her son. The sick demented woman actually was going to try to replace her own flesh and blood with a fake. I readjusted in my seat in the jet thinking about the boy who I hadn't seen in eight years. I didn't remember much about him except for his cold green eyes but there was something else lurking in their depths, loneliness. "Amaya Al Raazi." I looked up at Adonis, my right hand, who was glaring at me. I smiled obviously He thought I ignored everything he said and now he's upset. " I like you Adonis but if you use that tone with me again Ill throw you out of the plane," I used a calm sweet voice and watched as his glare disappeared and he visibly gulped. Fear it was good in fact I relished in it. Machiavelli was not wrong when he said it is better to be feared than respected. I smirked sat back, and crossed my legs. " You were talking about why it took so long to find this facility compared to the rest I was listening but to me it's nothing but excuses." He lowered his head, apologized, and nodded.

     As the plane landed I got up and headed towards the restroom I looked into the mirror at my honey brown eyes and pulled my wavy dark hair back into a pony tail. I felt bad when I was young but I wasn't stupid, women in the league of assassins had to always be extra cold other wise the men thought they could trample all over them. Over time I learned to relish in the fear. I stepped out of the restroom and made my way down the ramp of the plane with my men behind me. I headed towards my car when all of a sudden the car blew up. I felt Adonis pull me back and cover me with his body as shards of glass and pieces of metal flew in all directions.

     I felt anger surge through my entire body someone actually tried to kill me!! I pushed Adonis away and made my way down to the flaming wreck that once was my car. There in big bold red letters it said Stefan de Luca and I burst out laughing but there was no humour in it, it was a bitter laugh. I knew this man. He was someone my brother once called a friend but he turned on us when the Al Ghuls died because he was a power hungry son of a bitch. My brother showed him mercy and let him live but like I said I'm not so kind I thought as my face hardened and I turned my cold eyes towards my men. " call for another car I want it here in 10 minutes."

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