Damian Pov

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         After training I joined my father and brothers at the table for breakfast. " Guess what baby brother, Bruce is planning a big birthday party dinner for you to suffer through, "Jason practically  fell out of his chair laughing as he announced the news. I sent a death glare at him "Don't call me that!" Then I looked towards my father who had a smile on his face." Why do we have to have a big dinner party," I asked with obvious distain. " It's  your 18th Birthday master Damian it's important," Alfred interrupted. I stood up and started walking towards my room when my father asked " Where are you going?" " To my Room to get ready I have my first presentation to give at Wayne industries today I'm not gonna let some stupid dinner party spoil my mood for my presentation. Don't worry I'll be back in time for it."

     I just finished my presentation off with Mr. Dayton and was just about to head out when the phone in my office rang. "Hello." " Sir, there's a Stefan de Luca on line 1 he says that he's a close friend and would like to speak to you immediately." " I don't know a Stefan de Luca Jessica be sure to tell him that." I hung up and headed out the door mentally preparing myself for the rich snobs and the ditzy girls that I'll have to deal with at tonight's dinner.

     The dinner went exactly as expected annoying rich people acting like they're above everybody else, gossiping, and girls willing to get into my pants just because I'm a Wayne. I was now sitting in my room opening my presents and writing Thank you cards because father says it's common courtesy and it's the least I can do like I was begging these people to come and give me gifts I thought as I rolled my eyes. As I went through all the gifts I noticed a big yellow envelope near the bottom of the pile. I opened the envelope up and three pictures slid out and fell on the floor. When I picked them up I noticed the pictures were of a girl. She had dark wavy hair, warm brown skin, full pink lips, and a slender figure. Over all she was beautiful but when I took a closer look at her eyes I realized exactly who I was looking at. They were the yellow brown eyes of the little girl from my dream. The last picture had her face all scratched out as if to give me a warning or threat and when I turned the envelope around a few times I saw a name written in tiny bold letters, Stefan de Luca.


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